World Down Syndrome Day: We Are Different But Equal – Timeshare


In 2011, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly established that this day would be celebrated every March 21 with the aim of raising greater social awareness and remembering the inherent dignity, worth and contributions of people with intellectual disabilities as promoters of the good. being and the diversity of their communities.

Likewise, it seeks to emphasize the importance of their individual autonomy and independence, in particular the freedom to make their own decisions.

This year’s motto is “We decided to” and seeks to raise awareness of full participation in decision-making.

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“Down syndrome has changed my life,” revealed Malena Pozzobon, reporter and co-host of the TV show. What do you see when you see me, in dialogue with Channel 3 and added, “I didn’t choose to have it, but I choose how to live each day of my life.”

“I am very happy and very proud. I have the perfect and dream life. I have my family and my friends,” said Malena.

“The syndrome is increasingly naturalized in schools and in society,” said Flavia Irós, who heads the television segment of The twelve and run the section The diversity in Channel 3.

“We must adopt state policies”, assured Irós and added: “I see that they are throwing the ball and it is a reality.”

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“My message is that life is endless, and while it is full of opportunities, you have to seize them all and make the most of them,” Malena revealed.

“We must make a network of women and men who fight for inclusion, that we stop putting labels and tags and that we are all the same,” he concluded.

Interview with Gabriela Tessio and Juan Pablo Viola


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