World faces biggest nuclear risk in nearly four decades, UN warns


“Seventy-six years later, we have yet to achieve the goals of this resolution,” Guterres lamented in a message in which he warned that “We face the highest level of nuclear risk in almost four decades. “

“There are approximately 14,000 nuclear weapons stored in the world” and “just press a button to launch hundreds“he added.

While it is true that the total number of these types of weapons has been declining for decades, Guterres is concerned that “states are qualitatively improving their arsenals”, and showing signs of “a new arms race“.

“These weapons are not a problem of the past. Today they continue to pose a threat. Despite our progress, humanity remains unacceptably close to nuclear annihilation,” warned the UN secretary general.

However, Guterres admitted that there were also reasons for hope, such as the recent decision to Russia and United States to extend the new START treaty, which limits the number of strategic weapons between the two countries, as well as the will to engage in dialogue.

Another cause for hope is the entry into force in January of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. “The responsibility to build on these advances now rests with the Member States. The Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons provides an opportunity for all countries to take concrete steps to prevent the use of these weapons. , and eliminate them, once and for all, ”Guterres insisted.

For the UN chief, the shadow of the nuclear conflict cannot continue to cloud efforts to promote development, achieve sustainable development goals and end the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is time to put an end to this scourge forever, to eliminate nuclear weapons from our world and to open a new era of dialogue, trust and peace for all,” he concluded.

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