World French Fries Day: four recipes and secrets from the queen of side dishes


French fries, present in the kitchens of the world
French fries, present in the kitchens of the world

Pleasure and addiction. This is how simple it has been to define what French fries generate, according to research from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, by Dr. Tobias Hoch, and presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exhibition. The work detailed that French fries and other foods affect the reward center in the brain.. However, some people may simply have more willpower than others to choose not to eat large amounts of these types of foods, according to research.

Another group of researchers from the University of Leeds, England, led by Dr Graham Clayton, detailed that theAs the potatoes are fried, they give off an almost indescribable aroma: “The essence of potato in oil is more complex than you might think.” But they went further and came to the conclusion that double-cooked potatoes have greater aromatic complexity.

Several studies have tried to determine the cause of the addiction generated by French fries
Several studies have tried to determine the causes of addiction generated by French fries

Javier González León, in an interview with Infobae, reaffirmed the English study, ensuring that “the fries are wonderful, thanks to their double cooking we obtain a creamy and melting interior and a crispy crust“If you add a star ingredient, you get an exceptional result”, referring to the spices that can be added at the end of cooking. The international chef and graduate in gastronomic sciences and management clarified that “black potato is the best variety for making french fries“, although other varieties such as spunta or even white can also be used.

For his part, Juan Manuel Ferrari, affirmed that “the fries are one of our most consumed products, we regularly treat several tons of potatoes, after a process of peeling and cutting, the potato is brought to the cold in containers with water, for the next day to cook them ”. The executive chef of Lo de Jesús explained that “the potato we use is usually of the spunta varietyIt depends on the time of year, the potato comes from different parts of our country, its quality varies and not all of them fry well ”, because what he always recommends to ask your trusted greengrocer what is the best frying potato. “Another variety that we use seasonally is the inovator, which is smaller, but it fry well and is tasty.”

As a side dish or as a unique appetizer, fries are a classic for encounters.
As a side dish or as a unique appetizer, fries are a classic for encounters.

Meanwhile, for chef Lucio Marini, the main thing is “to have good potatoes, which have a skin as clean and thin as possible in case of doing them with peel”. Originally from Cordoba and based in Sante Fé. He studied at Gato Dumas and knew how to create famous cuisines, such as Johnny B Good in Rosario, the snack bar at the Casino de Santa Fé, and also advise major notable bars in Buenos Aires, among many other places.

Besides our main and exceptional ingredient, oil also plays an important role, since “different variants can be chosen, we use 100% sunflower“Ferrari explained. For González León, “Oil with a high content of oleic acid is best for frying, because it has a high smoke point, that is, it burns at a higher temperature than other oils, having a much longer lifespan. “Marini clarified that” it is important , in addition to using a good oil, a deep bath, it is ideal that the potato is immersed in oil. If it is too hot, the potatoes will burn. To know the temperature, if you don’t have a thermometer, I generally use a potato, if it stays at the bottom it is around 140 ° C, if it rises quickly it is around 175 ° C ”.

From the hands of three exceptional chefs, their versions of the perfect potatoes with step by step. In addition, the classic scrambled grass.


(By Javier González León, @javixchef)

Spicy potatoes
Spicy potatoes


Dads, 1 kg

Oil for frying, 2 to 3 l

Smoked paprika powder, 2 tbsp

Garlic, 2 cloves

Salt to taste

Mayonnaise (if it’s homemade better, Alioli)

Lemon, 1/2


Wash and dry the potatoes well so that there is no water residue. Then cut them into sticks 1 cm x 1 cm thick. Put them in a saucepan with the oil, checking that they are completely covered with oil and start cooking over low heat so that the potatoes can be candied. The idea is that they are completely cooked until they can be broken up with a fork, but without breaking the oil into a profuse boil. If necessary, remove the pot from the heat for a few minutes to keep it from boiling strongly. Once cooked, remove them from the oil and place them on a large flat dish to cool them slightly. Meanwhile, increase the temperature of the oil by bringing it to full heat. When the oil is very hot, carefully replace the potatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and crisp.

Remove them when they are ready, dry the excess oil with paper towels and place them in a bowl. Add the smoked paprika, salt, finely chopped (or grated) garlic and a dash of lemon juice and mix very well so that all the potatoes are soaked, do this step while they are hot to obtain better aromas. Serve with mayonnaise, and if that suits you, also add spices to stir up passions.


(By Lucio Marini, @lucio_marini)



Dads, 1 kg



Smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp.

Ground pepper

Fresh herbs (optional)


Peel and cut into pairs of sticks. Then blanch them in boiling water with a little vinegar and salt, for about 6 to 7 minutes. Remove the potatoes and drain. Add a little paprika and mix well. Put a pan with oil to fry. Once hot, add the potatoes and let them brown well.


(By Juan Manuel Ferrari, @lodejesus)

Milanesa with fries
Milanesa with fries


Dads, 1 kg




After having peeled and cut them, the potatoes are put in the cold in containers with water, for the next day to cook them. They are first passed in hot water and then left to cool for a few hours. Once cooled, the blanched potatoes are fried until they begin to brown. Be careful, they don’t need to be golden. When these start to brown, they are removed, drained well and placed in a source with a base paper to absorb excess fat. Let cool again then fry again at 180 °, place them in a source and add a few touches of salt and enjoy!


(By Francisco Pidal, @cantaelgallo)

Scrambled Gramajo
Scrambled Gramajo


Papas, 300 gr

Eggs, 3

Cooked ham, 700 gr

Olive oil, 3 tbsp

Salt and pepper, c / n

Oil for frying, c / n

Peas, c / n


Cut the potatoes into very small, thin sticks and soak them in cold water for an hour to remove the starch. Once this time has elapsed, remove the potatoes from the water and dry them very well with paper towels. Then, in a pan with plenty of boiling oil, fry the sticks. Move them so they don’t stick together. Remove from the heat once they are crisp and set aside.

In a bowl, beat the eggs vigorously until there is no trace of white. To book. Cut the cooked ham into thin slices and set aside.

In a pan over medium heat, put a drizzle of olive oil and add the beaten eggs, moving them with a spatula, without letting them set. Stir for a minute or two. Then add the fries and the sliced ​​ham. Stir everything until the ingredients are combined. To serve. It can be garnished with a little parsley or chives.

TIPS: as an additional ingredient, after adding the sliced ​​ham, you can add the cooked peas. The egg should be beaten well before using it. Babe is the best point for the scrambling to be perfect. Ideal for reserving a few potatoes to use to decorate the plate.


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