World leaders and veterans commemorate the 75th anniversary of "D-Day" in Portsmouth


United States, United Kingdom and French Heads of State – Donald Trump, Isabel II and Emmanuel Macron – as well as representatives of 13 other countries and 300 veterans began Wednesday celebrations in England the 75th anniversary of "D-Day".

British Prime Minister Theresa May, along with their counterparts from Canada and Australia, Justin Trudeau and Scott Morrison, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Belgian, Czech government leaders also attended the ceremony in Portsmouth , in England. Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Denmark and New Zealand.

Heads of state present at the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings.
Heads of state present at the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings.


That day, June 6, 1944, began the huge military landing in the Normandy region, a key moment in the liberation of Europe from Nazism. The so-called "Operation Overlord" is considered the largest amphibious invasion of military history.

About 7,000 ships participated, carrying 156,000 men and 10,000 vehicles on the five carefully selected beaches of the Normandy coast. Photo: EFE ,.
About 7,000 ships participated, carrying 156,000 men and 10,000 vehicles on the five carefully selected beaches of the Normandy coast. Photo: EFE ,.

Of the more than 150,000 soldiers who crossed the French soil that day, more than 10,000 dead, result injured or missing.

To honor this heroic act, the 16 countries represented in Portsmouth have adopted a declaration in which they agree that "the sacrifices of the past have not been in vain or forgotten".

Allied soldiers reach the beach during the Normandy landings (France) on June 6, 1944. Photo: EFE.
Allied soldiers reach the beach during the Normandy landings (France) on June 6, 1944. Photo: EFE.

"In the past 75 years, nations have championed peace in Europe and the world, democracy, tolerance and the rule of law," they said in the statement. "We reiterate today our commitment to common values ​​as they preserve the stability and prosperity of our nations and peoples," they added, underscoring their commitment to international organizations such as the United Nations or the United Nations. 39; NATO.

War Veterans Welcome the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Photo: AP.
War Veterans Welcome the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Photo: AP.

This mention, added to the comments made by Isabel II on Monday at a banquet in honor of Trump on the importance of these same institutions, is interpreted as a way to strengthen the support of the United States organizations often criticized by its president. .

Wounded soldiers at Omaha Beach. Photo: AFP.
Wounded soldiers at Omaha Beach. Photo: AFP.

"Extraordinary sacrifices"

"These commemorations will be an opportunity to honor those who have made extraordinary sacrifices to guarantee freedom in Europe," said Queen Elizabeth II in the official program. "They must never be forgotten," he added.

Portsmouth was the port of departure for Sword Beach, the most eastern of Normandy out of the five chosen for the landing of the Allies, in what was the largest operation of its kind in history in terms of the number of participating ships.

During the ceremony, which involved 4,000 soldiers and 11 British warships, May read a letter from Captain Norman Skinner to his wife Gladys on June 3, 1944, which was found in the British soldier's jacket after his death . on the beach of the sword.

Macron, meanwhile, read a letter from a hard young Frenchman, Henri Fertet, shot at the age of 16.

American soldiers during the second wave of landing at Omaha Beach. Photo: AFP.
American soldiers during the second wave of landing at Omaha Beach. Photo: AFP.

Trump and May will travel to France on Thursday to continue the commemorations with Macron, who will lay the foundation stone of a British memorial in Normandy alongside veterans.


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