World Lupus Day: 90% of cases are women aged 20 to 40


Lupus is a autoimmune disease chronicle in which the the immune system is unbalanced and produces antibodies that attack healthy tissues and organs. The disease most often affects the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs.

Nowadays, it is estimated that there is 40 different treatments phases of clinical development, which gives hope for a better control of the disease in the future.

The last

It has recently been discovered that people with lupus have lower-than-normal "messengers" of RNA (ribonucleic acid), which triggers immune reaction aimed at fighting viruses, according to Chinese scientists. Biochemist Lingling Chen, of the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and his colleagues studied the fact that the activation of combat mechanisms when there is no harmful viruses, can lead to immunological system attack the body.

During the course of the investigation, they discovered that the administration higher levels of messenger RNA in the cells patients with lupus restored the normal activity of the protein involved in the activation of an arm of the immune system, as published in the scientific journal Cell. "This raises an intriguing possibility that the introduction of some messenger ARNs may reduce the autoimmunity badociated with lupus, which suggests a new therapeutic strategyexplains Howard Chang, a geneticist from Stanford University who did not participate in the research.

Local opinion

"Currently in the treatment of lupus are used immunosuppressants, starting with corticosteroids, to cut the mechanism of action of immunity acting against our own cells, "says Dr. Amanda Ríos (MN 59758), a dermatologist at San Juan de Dios Hospital and a specialist in collagen diseases.

"A early diagnosis and early treatment can help control their impact "

Ultraviolet radiation is the environmental factor more related to lupus; Exacerbation in 70% of patients, so it is always recommended to protect yourself from the sun in addition to being vaccinated against the flu each year.

"Up to 90% of cases correspond to women of childbearing age, but there is a predisposition in both bades, at all ages and in all ethnic groups, "says Rios. early diagnosis and early treatment can help control their impact, "he concludes.


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