World myeloma day: early detection and new treatments essential for survival


Its early detection and the increasing incorporation of new treatments are resulting in better disease control (iStock)
Its early detection and the increasing incorporation of new treatments are resulting in better disease control (iStock)

As part of World Myeloma Day, this Sunday, September 5, specialists and the association that helps patients with this disease, stressed the importance of its early detection and the increasing incorporation of new treatments. This translates into better control of the disease and a benefit on the quality of life of patients.

Myeloma is the second most common oncohematologic disease, after lymphoma. In Argentina, it is estimated that more than 3 cases would be diagnosed per day.

By extrapolating the figures from population studies in the United States and Europe, and considering that myeloma accounts for about 1% of all cancer cases, it is estimated that there are approximately 1,250 new cases per year in our country. , which is equivalent to 3 daily diagnoses.

The malignant cells of this disease come from the bone marrow, inside the bones, in what is called the “caracú”. Myeloma it is called “multiple”, because it affects several systems and organs at the same time, This can cause anemia, osteoporosis and fractures, kidney damage, and a propensity for infections such as pneumonia, among other potentially serious complications.

Bone marrow, the spongy tissue found inside most bones, but especially larger ones, is where blood cells are made. This disease occurs when plasma cells get sick and multiply abnormally and exaggeratedly.

The Argentinian Myeloma Foundation took advantage of World Day to emphasize the benefits of early diagnosis, highlighting that better treatments come every time, but also highlighting the increasing difficulties that patients face in accessing drugs.

Regarding the number of patients in our country, there are still no published data with reliable figures. However, we know that, on the one hand, it is the second most frequent hematological disease, behind lymphoma, but this would represent 1% of cancer cases, which translates, based on international estimates for Argentina, into approximately 1,250 cases per year.

It is called
It is called “multiple” because it affects several systems and organs at the same time, which can cause anemia, osteoporosis and fractures, kidney damage

Regardless, regardless of the numbers, the arrival of the diagnosis of myeloma, which usually occurs after age 65 and At a ratio of 1.5 men to every woman, it has a huge impact on the life of every person who develops it.

“This World Day is an unbeatable opportunity to make visible what people with myeloma are going through. We offer to support each patient and his environment to walk the path that starts with the diagnosis, and we do so with the empathy of being patients ourselves or close to patients “Explain Mariana Auad, vice-president and general coordinator of Fundación Argentina de Mieloma.

The good news is that Over the past 10 to 15 years, science has made leaps and bounds in developing more and better treatment options for patients, which is particularly necessary in this disease which presents a strong relapse rate. In other words, to get myeloma under control, they need more than one or more treatments, alone or in combination, during the disease.

“The panorama is very different from years ago. Today, with adequate adherence to treatment and good medical monitoring, patients live longer and lead fuller lives, as in many cases it is possible to bring the disease to undetectable levels, which is known as measurable undetectable residual disease.‘. This situation was unthinkable 15 years ago, ”said Patricio Duarte, hematologist, coordinator of the Hematopoietic Transplantation Unit at CEMIC.

“In any case, it is often necessary to adapt the treatment regimens according to the control of the disease and the tolerance to it. The challenge becomes, precisely, to obtain lasting results over time with the treatment. that our patients receive. multiple myeloma is a pathology with an increasing development of new treatments and many of them will soon be available in our country, ”said the specialist.

Isabel Muñoz, coordinator of the FAM Patient Space, underlined “the arrival of therapeutic advances, even if a whole chapter related to access to medicines is open, which systematically generates comings and goings with health providers, causing enormous wear and tear on health care providers. patients and their families, at a stage where they should be able to focus their energies on dealing with the disease and not having to deal with the health system, ”he explained.

Symptoms include persistent and recurring bone pain and fractures (Secretary of Health)
Symptoms include persistent and recurring bone pain and fractures (Secretary of Health)

One of the Foundation’s objectives is work so that the right of patients to obtain the care that their doctor deems necessary is guaranteed, but they saw growing difficulties in this area, so they joined forces with other patient organizations, such as ALMA (leukaemias) and ACLA (lymphomas), since it is a problem that affects the entire community of blood cancer patients.

“We would prefer to focus our work on support people and emotions, instead of having to advise them to navigate the obstacles in the health system. There is a long way to go to accept the diagnosis, to redefine the priorities and the links, to accept the new reality that myeloma brings. However, more and more worried patients are approaching us because they undergo unnecessary administrative interruptions that jeopardize their disease control, ”added Auad.

Signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma often does not cause symptoms until later stages. Sometimes it can generate indeterminates which can be confused with other origins, they are:

● Persistent and recurring bone pain and fractures

● Frequent fatigue caused by anemia or kidney failure

● Frequent infections of unknown cause, such as pneumonia

● Central nervous system disorders, including mental confusion

● Shortness of breath and signs of kidney or heart failure

The diagnosis is often suspected of bone damage, anemia or kidney failure. “The diagnostic suspicion must be confirmed by specific studies: such as x-rays, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging; in addition to laboratory studies on blood and urine which measure certain biochemical alterations and a bone marrow biopsy. It is a relatively simple disease to diagnose, But it is important that health professionals keep in mind these criteria that we must consider in order to detect it in time, ”admitted Duarte.

Although each time we understand better than each type of cancer and each Oncohematologic diseases are very different, all – including myeloma – share one characteristic and that is that if they are diagnosed early, treatment is more likely to be effective, increasing the likelihood of survival and reduce morbidity.

Fundación Argentina de Mieloma has prepared a digital map that includes some of the reference centers for myeloma across the country, many of which are hematology departments of public and private hospitals. The map is accessible on the site and by google geolocation you can see the nearest one to go if you need it. In addition, the FAM site will soon also have a section dedicated exclusively to knowledge of Health Rights and the tools necessary to be able to resolve access difficulties if they arise.


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