World No Tobacco Day 2021: What Happened to Smokers …


As part of World No Tobacco Day, commemorated on May 31, experts warn that one of the effects of the pandemic has been the increase in tobacco use among smokers. “The level of stress, anxiety and fear of the population has increased and this has generated smokers increased their use and in many cases those who had successfully quit smoking would start again. “, notes from the Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine (AAMR). In turn, the fear of contracting coronavirus, and suffering from a serious illness, has led many smokers to seek help so that they can quit the habit.

As reported by the AAMR, it is estimated that the 40% of smokers have increased tobacco consumption compared to the period before the pandemic. The data come from the survey “Opinion study on habits and smoking during quarantine” (ARESCO-CIENTA), which shows that 4 out of 10 smokers (41.6%) admitted to smoking more than usually during quarantine.

“We know that the situation of uncertainty and stress has led many to smoke more than usual and that is why it is important to stress the link between tobacco and covid,” said Daniel Buljubasich, pulmonologist and former president of AARM, who warned that Smoking doubles the risk of developing a severe case of coronavirus and requiring hospitalization.

Covid and cigarette

For the pulmonologist, it is important to highlight three central aspects of the link between cigarettes and covid. First of all, Buljubasich specifies, one suspects that smokers are more likely to contract covid; Indeed, smoking is a risk factor for viral and bacterial infections that affect the respiratory system. Smokers, for example, are five times more likely to develop the flu and twice as likely to have pneumonia, according to the AAMR.

“On the other hand, smokers have a worse evolution than non-smokers, with more mechanical assistance and more severe symptoms ”, Buljubasich noticed that the second aspect to emphasize.

Finally, the specialist added that smoking increases the transmission of the virus since the particles that travel in the so-called aerosols expelled by breathing or speaking quadrupled by smoking. “The careful measurement of maintaining distance takes into account the two-meter range of the aerosols that we expel. In cigarette smoke, this distance can be quadrupled, and the virus can travel up to 8 meters. To this must be added that smokers remove their chinstrap to smoke when they are in public spaces, ”he said.

No more smoking cessation consultations

At the same time, what pulmonologists dedicated to smoking cessation have seen with surprise is that in recent months consultations to quit smoking have increased. “Smokers know these things happen, they know they are predisposed to more serious illness and that is why they want to quit,” Buljubasich said, adding that according to the latest survey 70% of smokers would like to stop smoking. . smoke even if they say they can’t.

“The smoker understands what is going on in the pandemic and what the risk of covid is. You want to quit smoking, but there are a number of reasons you can’t. Often the mistake is to try it alone, the accompaniment is the most effective to quit smoking ”, The pulmonologist finally said that he recommended going to a professional.

Quitting smoking during the pandemic is also the impetus for the World Health Organization (WHO) which, as the slogan of the campaign for World No Tobacco Day this year, published: “Commit to quit to smoke during covid-19 “. In this direction, of the WHO, they noted that smoking “deteriorates lung function, making it difficult for the body to fight this disease and others.”


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