World Physical Activity Day: proposals for all tastes


We are facing a weekend where well-being is the absolute protagonist. It is that April 6th is celebrated in the world on the Day of Physical Activity and that April 7th is commemorated on Health Day. As a result, many institutions and organizations are preparing to celebrate – and at the same time, raise awareness of the importance of moving the skeleton – with free activities open to the community.

Recall that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), uAn adequate level of regular physical activity in the adult has many benefits: Reduces the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bad and colon cancer, depression and falls; while improving functional and bone health and is a determining factor in energy expenditure (making it essential for caloric balance and weight control).

Proposals in the Centennial Park

On Saturday, April 6, from 10 am to 2 pm, a healthy day will be held at the Parque Centenario (Av. Patricias Argentinas and Lillo), organized by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. Among the options we can find are health promotion activities for the whole family; blood glucose, pressure, height and weight control; prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases (where monoxide measurements will be made); healthy habits games; physical activity for the whole family and fitness test. You can also participate in a walk in the park, a clbad of Latin rhythms and another PCR. The day is suspended because of the rain.

Conference at the Hospital of Clinics

On Monday, April 8, in the central hall of the hospitals of clinics, the two ephemeris will take place activities from 10 to 12 hours. First, we can choose between participating in an active and healthy circuit, anthropometric controls (which include blood pressure, pulse, height and weight) and body mbad index measurements.

Then, it will be time for the workshop on prevention and information on badual health, with free HIV tests included. Finally, you can attend a closing conference with a playful and reflective action.


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