World UFO Day: Sightings, Mysteries, and Evidence


The day to talk about these presences was chosen and specified by those who hold the theory that “there are more advanced beings in space” who come to visit Earth to observe and analyze the behavior of people. the goal World UFO Day is power talk openly about what followers of the belief think, see material that “validates” what they believe and even meetings are held make observations in the sky.

Yes OK there is no evidence that confirms the existence of other beings, nor any information that rejects this option, is it up to US Air Force, researchers in the field, believe that the flying saucers and the figures which have been seen correspond to them. This same army created in 1953 the term UFO, which comes from the translation en francés UFO -Unidentified Flying Object- and it’s a object, real or imaginary, capable of flight and unknown to the person who sees it.


The Roswell Incident

It was the year 1947 on a July morning, the inhabitants of the vicinity of Roswell Ranch, New Mexico, they got up with the surprise of a “flying saucer” which had crashed to the ground, leaving a large paw print. So far nAdie was able to explain what really happened Although the The US government explained that it was only a “weather balloon” belonging to the forces.

Far from believing this explanation, they began to emerge conjectures, hypotheses and conspiracy theories about the existence of extraterrestrials who have visited the planet, and there are even those who say that that morning the army arrived before the locals to observe what happened and kidnapped the mysterious beings who would have arrived, as well as their ship, which was supplanted by remains of wood and other materials.


Today, in the city of Roswell, the International UFO Museum was built. The city has become famous both for the famous affair and for the aforementioned institution, which brings together video files, images and recordings, in addition to reports and surveys that have been prepared on the observation of these unidentified agents. There is a special exhibit on the 1947 incident and other appearances.

Evidence and Perspectives

To collect all the information on this type of object, it is that is the originator of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) which, in reality, are dedicated to fly in the sky to be able to recognize the approach of a plane of doubtful origin and thus defend the place from possible dangers. This system investigates and prepares reports which are released for the convenience of the public, and on occasion they have disclosed information about unidentified vessels.

There is also videos, photographs and testimonies of people who say they have seen foreign objects flying near their homes. These vessels usually have shapes triangular, flat, round and bright.

During 2020, the The US Congress has made multiple requests to Donald Trump’s administration for a report to clarify information about the apparitions that have occurred over the past two decades. Thus, the Ministry of Defense, creator of AATIP, was able to find out more about what happened. According to CNN, there are sources that say “The report does not rule out extraterrestrial activity as a possible explanation in some of these cases.”

Pentagon releases UFO videos filmed by US Navy pilots | AFP

For many years unidentified flying objects were present in different parts of the world, scattered in different parts of the planet that are tourist destinations for those who go in search of this adventure. One of them is in Chile, more precisely the city of San Clemente, a region in which more than 50 people claim to have seen UFOs.

The city of Warminster in England he is also known to be observation area. Usually the best place to attend these events is in the mountains, where not all of the city’s usual visual pollution is present. In this location, Cradle Hill, Starr Gill and Cley Hill are prime spots visitors.

Robledo de Chavela, municipality of Madrid, was witness on different occasions of observation of unidentified flying objects. NASA has antennas in this city and near them lights appeared that performed different actions in the heights. A The story goes that in the 1980s an unrecognizable being emerged from an egg-shaped ship in a forest area.

In addition, particular observations were made in São Paulo, Brazil, Mexico, Arizona and Jerusalem.

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The mystery of area 51

the Authorities claim this location is a US Air Force military training base.. However, several People support the theory that experiments with aliens are being carried out inside the plant and that is why the security is so tight and the mystery of what goes on inside is so great.

Zone 51 is also known as Groom Lake and for many years it has been a puzzle. We do not know what is the goal of the people who go to work there every daybecause at one point they couldn’t even comment on their work to a family member – they went so far as to say they fixed televisions, but never went.

However, at some point, the possibility that Exploration and research were carried out by the Force to develop planes capable of carrying heavy weapons and equipped with very advanced technology., all with ignorance or little information provided to the government. It is a fact that surveillance systems have been tested.

Area 51 is real, but sorry, no aliens

Anyway, over the years the assumptions took placeespecially when, according to CNN, a businessman named Robert Lazar mentioned that he had carried out work in Area 51, where I had observed “Extraterrestrial autopsy photos” and that the place was used to analyze alien spaceships. Although his words were discredited, it increased the belief of many.

During this year 2019 There was a initiative via Facebook where he was invited to Storm zone 51 to be able to enter the crowd and finally reveal what is really happening there. There were around a million people who approved the activity. “We’ll all meet at the Area 51 tourist hub and coordinate our entry. If we run like Naruto, we can go faster than his bullets. Let’s go see the aliens.”, said the invitation of September 30.

Finally, there were only about 3000 people who came to the event called “Storm Area 51”, to which they went disguised and a festival was held. According to the authorities, the activities were carried out to a greater extent peacefully, but there were 5 inmates for different altercations, 3 for suspected invasion of the territory that they were forbidden to pass, one for urinating nearby and one for “an alcohol-related incident”.

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Ufology in Argentina

Just as there is fanaticism in the United States for the theory of extraterrestrials and unidentified flying objects, in Argentina also finds many followers who come to different parts of the country, famous for their sightings.

The most common sites Thousands and thousands of Argentines from all over the territory are usually reached in search of a presence, whether it is objects in the sky or spiritual apparitions, they are Capilla del Monte and Cerro Uritorco, which is close to the first, both located in the province of Cordoba. People who have visited both places say that in neighboring towns everyone has seen a UFO at least once in their life. Capilla del Monte is seen, by many, like the “World UFO Observation Capital”.

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On the other hand, the UFO Museum in the city of Victoria, Between rivers, this is one of the establishments that collect the most material on this phenomenon, which has been present so many times in the place. I know created in January 2005 so everyone can come seek information and learn “about the investigations that the UFO Vision team has carried out into the UFO phenomenon”, according to the site.

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Turn in place photographs and video recordings can be observed, in addition to the reports that have been made, which are based on academic and scientific foundations “seeking to obtain the evidence that allows us to support our field of study, which is the extraterrestrial origin.” A lot of Neighbors come from his foundation to the present to add their experience in front of flying objects.

In 2015, one of the sections of the museum exhibited a scene where the Roswell Affair was recreated, in which different elements and the main image was an alien lying on a stretcher, which was guarded by two officers. An Argentinian donated some uniforms corresponding to the base of Fort Bliss (Texas), which intervened in the event in 1947, and the plastic artist Alejandro Romero was the creator of the alien figure.

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