World’s largest vaccine producer has record coronavirus cases, could suspend shipments to other countries


India is in trouble. And the countries that get their coronavirus vaccines too. On Wednesday, the Indian Ministry of Health reported record the number of contagions of Covid-19 in 24 hours: 295,941 new cases and 2,023 deaths. In the capital, New Delhi, they denounced last night that several Hospitals only have oxygen for a few more hours.

The country is a major producer of vaccines and so far I sent 64.5 million doses abroad, They have provided both rich countries and the Covax fund, the World Health Organization (WHO) and NGO plan to distribute doses to poor or middle-income countries -Argentina included-.

But given the constant increase in infections, they prioritize the production of vaccines for household use, which will imply a delay in the supply Covax. Already in March, the WHO mechanism warned that shipments up to 90 million doses of AstraZeneca’s Covishield inoculant delayed Because its manufacturer, the Indian Serum Institute, which by volume is the world’s largest vaccine producer, has decided to prioritize national needs.

“We will prioritize the needs of India. We still cannot supply all the Indians.”said the director of this Indian laboratory, Adar Poonawalla.

India is the second most affected country in the world by the pandemic, just behind the United States and ahead of Brazil. To date, it has accumulated 15,616,130 positives for Covid-19 and the total number of deaths stands at 182,553.

Vaccines wasted?

On the other hand, Xinhua quoted the Indian Ministry of Health yesterday as reporting that the country has eliminated nearly 4.5 million vaccines – out of a total of 100 million– since the start of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 last January. They accuse the central government of poor campaign management.

The news coincides with the government’s announcement that From May 1, the vaccination campaign will be extended to all Indians over 18 years of age.

President urges not to close

In any case, Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, insist with urge state governments to make shutdown only a last resort to deal with rising infections. The worst-affected states, like Delhi and Maharashtra, have already imposed restrictions until the end of the month, a total shutdown in Delhi’s case. The nighttime curfew already applies in the most affected states.

Modi said that “the challenge is enormous” and that it must be “collectively overcome with determination, courage and preparation”, although he advocated making “an effort to avoid the blockade” and focusing “on them. micro-containment zones. “I urge states to consider closures as the last option,” he insisted.

Oxygen runs out

Another big problem is the lack of oxygen to help critically ill patients. seal The Hindustan Times. Hospitals in the capital announced last night that their oxygen supply would only last a few hours longer. And Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal urged the federal government to replenish them with oxygen.

“The serious oxygen crisis persists in Delhi. I urge the center (federal government) to provide emergency oxygen to Delhi. Some hospitals only have a few hours of oxygen left, ”Kejriwal said.

Modi assured that “efforts are being made to increase production”. The Indian government decided to establish special trains to carry oxygen and also import 50,000 tonnes of medical oxygen to expand availability in the country.

The Indian government too eliminated import duties on Remdesivir, one of the drugs to treat patients with coronavirus, and its raw materials. “Imports of Remdesivir, injections and specific supplies were tax free. This should increase supply and reduce costs, thereby providing relief to patients,” said India’s Minister of Railways, Trade and Health. Industry, Piyush Goyal.


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