For cost reasons, phone users typically use Wi-Fi networks to reduce the data consumption of their carrier plans. However, the evolution of mobile connectivity will soon be the exclusive way to access the
, before
the progress of the 5G with the improvement of the transfer speed.
According to a report from the consulting firm OpenSignal (
report in PDF), mobile networks have already moved Wi-Fi access to mobile users in 33 countries. For example, in Australia, mobile networks are faster at 13 Mbps than Wi-Fi connections, while in Lebanon and Qatar, differences between networks
and Wi-Fi are 13 and 12.3 Mbps, respectively.
One of the main reasons for this change is the deployment of 4G mobile networks, which have improved the experience of using Internet access from smartphones. In turn, the maturing benefits of mobile phones and the
Increased video consumption (whether for watching TV or accessing services such as Netflix) has fostered growth in the use of mobile phone networks.
In turn, Wi-Fi networks depend on the type and quality of broadband home or commercial, which in some areas tends to be less efficient than 4G networks. The OpenSignal report highlights in detail that Argentina is in the range of countries with similar speeds in Wi-Fi and 4G LTE connections, with 11.5 and 11.1 Mbps, respectively.
Download speed is also critical in choosing between a Wi-Fi connection or a 4G LTE network, and users in Argentina have better
Download in OpenSignal, this is repeated in countries like Chile, Indonesia, Israel, Paraguay, Peru and Sri Lanka.
Beyond parity in the type of wireless Internet access, in Argentina, 4G technology
According to a study by the international organization GSMA, it has increased by 70% compared to the previous period. Thus, the country has increased from 13.2 million to 22 million 4G mobile connections, or 36.78% of the total of 62 million existing lines.
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