Wow: the bitch is a witness in a lawsuit for animal abuse | Chronic


An unprecedented event has occurred in Spain with the aim of raising society's awareness of animal abuse. A judge in this country ordered a dog to testify at the trial against his former owner, accused of throwing the animal in the trash, locked in a suitcase.

It is the magistrate Sandra Barrera, which on Tuesday surprised participants by asking to pbad "the injured witness, the dog Milagros", pit bull, at the hearing held in the Atlantic city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.

According to the EFE news agency, the prosecutor for the environment told the audience that, obviously, the witness could not speak, but that he would do for her the representative of the prosecutor and a forensic doctor, who would have explained to him the injuries that he had suffered the animal and how he is now.

A spokesman for the Canary Islands Superior Court of Justice (TSJC) explained that "The decision to call a dog as a witness, which is unusual in Spanish justice, and unpublished, was approved by all parties, who felt that it was good to raise awareness about animal abuse".

Meanwhile, the accused testified by videoconference from the city of Seville, where he is serving a custodial sentence for another act, charged with the crime of theft.

The defendant admitted that he had thrown the dog into a dumpster in October 2012, but claimed to have done so because he thought he was dead.", explained a source on the testimony of the accused.

The truck was saved from the dog because the neighbors heard it groan inside the container and opened a hole for him to pull his head.

At present, the prosecutor's office is asking for a nine-month prison sentence, while the charge filed by the Valle Colino animal shelter demands a year in jail.


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