Wow: the dog respects the traffic light to cross the street and is more cautious than people | Chronic


A dog left social network users and pedestrians on a street in Colombia speechless because it was recorded while waiting for the fire to go green so that it could cross all zebras, something neither citizens nor citizens did not do. this moment.

This dog waited for the light to change to cross the street. (Screen capture)

All this was recorded in a video posted by a witness who attended the event. In a few hours, he began to be shared and commented on Facebook. There the woman who published it said that she could not believe the dog's intelligence in this situation.

"I want to share with you a situation that I have experienced today, where it is proven that our beautiful 4-legged friends can become smarter than us in this type of situations, we can not be aware that they attach more importance to life than ourselves, seriously I fell in love with this beauty"He wrote
Darly Peña in the description of the post.

Until now, the clip of the animal completes more than two million reproductions and 14,000 reactions of Internet users, also amazed by the dog's understanding.


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