X-Ray Cabinet in the Biden Era: Who’s Who in the New White House?


The new American administration is one of the most plural and diverse of recent decades. A survey by the United States’ National Public Radio (NPR) shows that the Biden government is made up of 45% women and 32% representatives of ethnic minorities.. Compared to the previous two administrations, Trump’s was made up of 73% white and 18% women. For its part, the Obama administration was made up of 36% women and 32% of its members were African American or Latin American. In the new DEF report on YouTube, we tell you who its members are and what their biggest challenges are.


By emphasizing an economic reconstruction plan, Janet Yellen became the first woman to head the Treasury Department. Former Federal Reserve chief has responsibility for pulling country out of pandemic crisis. To achieve this, he launched a $ 1.9 trillion package, which must be approved by Congress. Includes $ 415 billion to strengthen the virus response and vaccination campaign; 440,000 million intended for SMEs; and about $ 1 trillion in direct aid to households hardest hit by the social and economic consequences of COVID-19.


Antony Blinken’s appointment as new Secretary of State it’s a nod from Biden to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and career diplomats. The former Obama administration official, who served as Undersecretary of State between 2013 and 2017, has extensive experience in managing foreign policy. He is very familiar with the corridors of power and has worked with international leaders in the past. Today, he faces the challenge of rebuilding ties with international allies damaged during the Trump era, as was the case with historic NATO and US partners in Europe. “Now more than ever, we need countries to cooperate with each other,” he said in a recent speech. “None of the global challenges can be solved through the unilateral action of a single country, not even a power like the United States,” he added.

However, his biggest concern will be in China. Blinken acknowledged that the Washington-Beijing relationship is “the greatest geopolitical challenge” of the 21st century.. “China is the only country with economic, diplomatic, military and technological strength able to challenge the current stable and open international system, which is ultimately beneficial to the interests and values ​​of the American people,” said he declared. However, the Secretary of State himself assured that there are also spaces for cooperation with China, such as the fight against climate change.

With a focus on an economic reconstruction plan, Janet Yellen became the first woman to head the Treasury Department.  Photo: AFP.
By focusing on an economic reconstruction plan, Janet Yellen became the first woman to head the Treasury Department. Photo: AFP.

For his part, the new head of the Pentagon, General Lloyd J. Austin, is the first African-American to hold the post.. His confirmation by the Senate, with 93 votes for and only two against, shows the broad support of the political class for his appointment. The former soldier, who retired from active service in 2016, has a long history of military service. Its number one priority, as in the case of Blinken, is to contain the advance of China.. It is no coincidence that their first trip abroad was for three of Washington’s strategic partners in Asia: Japan, South Korea and India. The future of the Iran nuclear deal is a question mark. There, Lloyd Austin’s biggest concern is the range of missiles that the Tehran regime is developing, a point that was not included in the 2015 nuclear deal and that the new administration will seek to negotiate with. the Islamic Republic.


Biden’s women’s squad is rounded out by four other personalities. African American Marcia Fudge, a former congressman from Ohio, is the new housing secretary. The former member of the House of Representatives and member of the Pueblo de la Laguna tribe, Deb Haaland, was in charge of the Interior Department. For their part, two former governors, Gina Raimondo, from Rhode Island, and Jennifer granholm, Michigan, are the newest Secretary of Commerce and Energy, respectively. Another key position, and for the first time held by a woman, is the CIA headquarters, where Avril Haines has been confirmed.

Blinken's appointment as the new secretary of state is a nod from Biden to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and to career diplomats.  Photo: AFP.
Blinken’s appointment as the new secretary of state is a nod from Biden to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and to career diplomats. Photo: AFP.

There are also three Latinos in the cabinet: the education secretary, Miguel Cardona; Health, Xavier Becerra; and that of internal security, Alejandro mayorkas. Meanwhile, the new secretary of transportation is the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, representative of the gay community. The other posts are held by experienced politicians, many of whom have their own voices within the Democratic Party, such as the former Secretary of State, John Kerry, the newest special representative for climate issues, and former Obama ambassador to the UN and former national security adviser, Susan rice, at the head of the advisory council for domestic policy.

The former chief of Obama’s agriculture ministry is also returning to the ring, Tom vilsack, in the same position. And the main positions in the Biden administration are held by former Federal Judge Merrick Garland, as Attorney General; the former mayor of Boston, Marty walsh, as Secretary of Labor; and the former Obama chief of staff, Denis mcdonough, as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

* To know in depth all the implications of the subject, watch the video on our channel Youtube.


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