Xavier Novell, the bishop of Solsona who resigned for the love of a psychologist who wrote an erotic novel


Xavier Novell, Bishop Emeritus of Solsona (EFE)
Xavier Novell, Bishop Emeritus of Solsona (EFE)

Xavier Novell is Bishop Emeritus of Solsona (Lleida). On August 21, he resigned from his post for “strictly personal” reasons and is today emeritus. Silvia Caballol is a Barcelona psychologist “an inveterate reader of romantic and erotic novels”. A woman of whom little or nothing was known. Until now. A woman who “loves to love and to be loved”. Novell didn’t lie when he said his goodbyes. The reasons for his departure were “strictly personal”. Novell hung up the miter for his love for Silvia Caballol. He now lives with her in Manresa, on the outskirts of Barcelona. To a friend, he confessed, after making his decision, that for the first time he had fallen in love with a woman.

The bishopric of Solsona is silent. In a brief press release published on the same September 6, he indicates that, as he already said on August 23, “the decision taken by the said bishop emeritus obeys” strictly personal reasons “and, consequently, whether or not this information is corroborated is strictly your personal matter”. He refers to his love for Caballol.

José Manuel Vidal, religious information expert and director of Digital religion, a media that gave all the details of this news, explained to Infobae What Novell is a blocky, controversial, and somewhat unstable character. Basically, a man who mutated his opinions and attitudes through personal experiences.

In 1995, Vidal remembers, he participated in the so-called Council of Tarraconense, a meeting of Catalan religious, where he became known as the terrible child Catalan churches. Then he was a defender of the end of celibacy, of the priesthood of women …

His change came after his stint at the Gregorian University (Rome), where his progressive postulates were abandoned and he began, Vidal adds, his path to more uncompromising positions. “It was Talibanized”, adds this expert.

Novell, born in 1969 in Montfalcó de Ossó (Lleida), ceased to be the terrible child and It became one of the future bets of Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela, head of the Spanish Church until 2014, a man considered a hawk for his conservatism. The arrival, on March 13, 2013, of the Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis, at the top of the Vatican, did not please him either because of the more open postulates of the Jesuit. Next she was already on a crusade against same-sex marriage and participated, according to the media outlet Sister Lucía Caram, in the so-called homosexual conversion therapy.

Indeed, Vidal explains that there are associations of people affected by these therapies who are studying the possibility of bringing legal action against the current Bishop Emeritus for the damage caused to his relatives, “some irreparable because they are are suicide “. no one has been able to speak to Novell until today. Yes, it was possible to reach those around him, one of the few friends he has, says Vidal, who confirmed the bishop’s love for the psychologist and writer.

In an article published in Digital religionSr. Lucia Caram, who belongs to the diocese of Vic, together with that of Solsona, and knows Novell well, writes that “We are facing the outcome, I believe, of an imbalance which has in crescendo and I want to think about the unconsciousness of a person who is not in their right mind “. And adds: “We know his defense, his participation and his promotion of the so-called” homosexual conversion therapy “. Morbid, sordid and unhealthy therapies that generate anguish in their participants and, in many cases, lead them to suicide or despair. And there are witnesses who accuse him and those who feel that he has destroyed their lives ”.

Novell will be Bishop Emeritus of Solsona until he requests and receives the dispensation of priest and bishop.In the meantime, he will receive his full salary.

Silvia Caballol's book "Amnesia Trilogy: Passion and Madness".
Silvia Caballol’s book “Amnesia Trilogy: Passion et folie”.

And Caballol? Divorced, 38 years old – born in 1983 – and father of two children. Graduated “with honors”, according to her own definition, in clinical psychology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

On the back of his book Amnesia Trilogy: Passion and Madness (Ediciones Lacre) warns: “Book is not suitable for minors under the age of 18, as it contains explicit scenes of sex, abuse, domination, abuse of power, and foul language. Refrain from reading it to people of high moral sensitivity”.

Caballol says of herself to have “taken courses in sexology, anti-stress techniques, yoga, courses on the Catholic and Islamic religion …”.

In his book Hell in Gabriel’s lust. The first original sin against being (Albores editions), “the reader”says the critic, “Will be transported by the prison world, psychopathy, sects, sadism, madness, lust and, little by little, as the story progresses, also towards the unreality of immortality and the stark struggle between good and evil, between God and Satan, and between Angels and Demons “.


Pope accepts resignation of Spanish bishop Xavier Novell

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