Xi asks Chinese people to prepare for "difficult situations"


China's President, Xi Jinping, he asked his people today to prepare for "a series of difficult situations" and to overcome "significant risks and challenges", amid the worsening of the trade war with the United States, reported Xinhua.

"Our country is still in a period of significant strategic development opportunities but the international situation is becoming more complicated"said the head of the Chinese state.

Xi stressed that China should "be aware of the complex and long-term nature of several adverse factors", both internally and externally, and prepare properly for "difficult situations".

Yesterday, the Chinese ambbadador to the United States Cui Tiankai, he said Fox News Beijing is always open to negotiations. But today, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said that the The White House does not plan to send a delegation to Beijing for a new round trade negotiations, reported CNBC.

Since the last round of negotiations on May 10, Trump has decided to raise tariffs on products imported from China and has threatened to tax the rest of the products from the Asian nation. After that, China also increased tariffs on US products.

In the current context of escalating trade war between the two major world powers, exacerbated by the dispute over who will have technological supremacy, Xi's words today have special meaning.

US President Donald Trump's National Emergency Order, which bars US companies from trading with foreign companies that allegedly spy on the country, may seriously affect the Chinese technology giant Huawei.

Companies such as Google have announced that they will stop providing it and allow Huawei to use its Android operating system with which its mobile phones are operated.

US processor companies Intel, Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom, German companies Infineon Technologies and manufacturers of US memory chips, Micron Technology and Western Digital will also cease supplying Huawei – in accordance with the Trump order – which could delay the adoption of the 5G network around the world.

The founder and executive director of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, yesterday tried to minimize the restrictions imposed by the United States, which will affect the deployment of 5G technology, a company in which the Chinese company claims that it will surpbad itself " in two or three years ".

According to Ren, the company was already ready to face the restriction: "We can make chips as good as those made by American companies, although that does not mean we will not buy yours, "he said.

In addition, Huawei's Chief Financial Officer, Meng Wanzhou, is released on bail in Canada after being detained at the request of the United States., who accused the Chinese society of violating the sanctions imposed on Iran.


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