Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin renew alliance to deepen “close cooperation” between China and Russia


The leaders' teleconference
The leaders’ teleconference

The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, and its Russian counterpart, Vladimir Poutine, they reconstituted their alliance on Monday at a new telematic meeting during which they agreed to extend the treaty of good neighborliness and friendly cooperation that the two countries signed twenty years ago.

“The treaty of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation it has established a concept of friendship passed down from generation to generation that meets the fundamental interests of both countries, ”Xi said.

According to the Chinese leader, this agreement “is in line with the trends of the time, it aims for peace and development and is also a concrete and living example of a new type of international relations”.

Xi indicated in the conversation that the “close cooperation” between the two countries represents “a positive impulse” for the international community at a time when “the world is going through complex changes” and when “humanity is facing multiple crises in order to develop”.

For his part, Putin defended that “In the current conditions of increasing geopolitical turbulence, the breakdown of arms control agreements, the increased potential for conflicts in various parts of the planet, Russian-Chinese cooperation plays a stabilizing role at the international level.”.


The conversation comes a month after the two leaders also telematically inaugurated a project to build four nuclear power generation units with Russian technology on Chinese soil.

Beijing-Moscow relations are going through a sweet moment which was staged with the visit to China in March this year by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, to balance strategies at a time of growing mutual tensions with the United States.

According to the Chinese newspaper World timeThe two parties were then briefed on the state of their respective relations with Washington, which they urged “to reflect on the damage it has caused to international peace”.

The teleconference was screened in the streets of Beijing (Reuters)
The teleconference was screened in the streets of Beijing (Reuters)

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had already announced in March that Sino-Russian ties are united “like a mountain”, that good relations between Beijing and Moscow are “imperative in the current circumstances”, and that this association is “a pillar for world peace”.

According to Lavrov, relations between Moscow and Beijing are “at their best in history”.

The aim of the two powers is to dissuade other countries from refraining from putting pressure on them, especially with regard to their internal affairs.

(With information from EFE)


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