Xi Jinping, Bolsonaro, Putin Don’t Recognize Biden Until Official Results


While the victory of Joe biden In Presidential elections in the United States It is a fact, the questions of Donald trump the results after several days of uncertainty have generated that some world leaders don’t recognize the democrat like the new American president until there are no official results.

While a many presidents have already greeted Biden as the new president, including the head of state of Argentina Alberto Fernandez, who joined the French president, Emmanuel Macron, the Spanish Pedro Sanchez, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, Italian Giuseppe Conte and canadian Justin Trudeau, among others.

Alberto Fernández, Boris Johnson and world presidents congratulated Joe Biden

However, five top world leaders are still waiting to congratulate Biden. They are: the president of China, Xi Jinping, that of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, that of Russia, Vladimir Poutine, that of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the one at Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

  • Xi Jinping: China refrained from congratulating Biden on his victory in the US presidential election, arguing on Monday that the final election result is not yet known. “We note that Biden declared himself the winner of the election,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters.

    “To our knowledge, the outcome of the elections will be determined by the laws and procedures in force in the United States”, he added, two days after the victory of the Democratic candidate, disputed by the outgoing president, Donald Trump.

    Although the defeat of Republican candidate could bring relief to China, immersed in a trade war launched by Washington in 2018, some experts pointed out that Beijing may fear that Joe Biden put more human rights pressure on you, the agency consigned AFP.

    Asked about this, the Chinese spokesman said his country would remain determined to defend “its sovereignty, security and development”. “We hope that the next US administration will show a willingness to compromise,” he said.

  • Bolsonaro: The Brazilian president, a aliado firm of Donald Trump, will congratulate “in due time” to “the one who is elected” President of the United States, said vice president Hamilton Mourao Not to mention his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

    “I think the president [Bolsonaro] wait for this mess to end, the discussion of whether there are false votes, if there are no false votes, to give their position. I think … it is obvious that the president, at the right time, will convey his congratulations to whoever is elected, ”said the vice-president in Brasilia.

    “I believe that this week the outstanding issues are defined and that by then everything is back to normal and that we are preparing for the new relationship that must be established,” added the Brazilian vice-president.

    Bolsonaro and his sons, who, like those of Trump, play a active role in politics, they had high hopes that Trump would run for re-election. His son, the congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, who wore a cap “Trump 2020“During a trip to Washington as his father’s envoy, he questioned Biden’s votes and the integrity of the US election on Twitter last week.

    Like Trump, Bolsonaro campaigned and relied on the Polarization, provoking controversy by making misogynistic, racist and homophobic comments. Too much repeatedly downplayed the Covid-19 pandemic, even as Brazil has suffered one of the deadliest epidemics in the world.

    With the departure of Trump, Bolsonaro loses diplomatic ally and faces a President of the United States with a renewed attention to human rights and the environment.

United States: Biden focuses on transition although Trump does not admit defeat

  • Putin: the Kremlin indicated this Monday that Vladimir Poutine await the announcement of the official result of the presidential election in the United States to congratulate the winner.

    “We believe that it is okay to wait for the results officers of the elections that have taken place. I would like to reiterate that President Putin has repeatedly stated that he will respect the choice of the American people whatever they may be, “the Russian presidency spokesman told reporters, Dmitry Peskov.

    Putin had congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in 2016 just over an hour after US media projections gave him the winner. Peskov said that “at the time there was no judicial questioning” of the outcome.

    In late October, Biden called Russia the “number one threat” to US national security in an interview with 60 Minutes on CBS. Kremlin spokesman Peskov responded by saying that Russia did not agree with Biden’s comments and that such rhetoric amplified “hatred of the Russian Federation.”

  • AMLO: President Mexican, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, made a statement in which he did not address Biden as the winner and instead said he had to wait until the legal challenges to the vote count ended.

    We will wait until all legal issues are resolved. We don’t want to be reckless. We do not want to act lightly. We want to respect the self-determination of peoples and their rights, “he added. López Obrador said on public television on Saturday.

    López Obrador has forged a close relationship with the President of the United States in recent years, including in the face of the economic harassment and racist rhetoric by Trump.

    López Obrador’s reluctance to congratulate Biden may be due to this friendship. This decision could also be interpreted as a continuation of the tradition of foreign policy of actively avoiding commenting on the affairs of other countries.

    The Mexican president added in Saturday’s televised statement: “We have a very good relationship with both candidates. President Trump was very respectful to us and we have made good deals. Thank you for not being curious and respected us. And the same with candidate Biden. I have known him for over 10 years. “

  • Erdogan: As a candidate, Trump congratulated the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for his handling of a failed coup attempt despite a major repression against alleged opposition figures. As president, Trump is touting a controversial referendum victory for Erdogan that saw the Turkish leader acquire sweeping and unchecked powers.

    In summary, With Trump in power, Erdogan has largely been given carte blanche to do what he wants. It will be a very different story with Biden, whom Erdogan has yet to recognize as president-elect.

    Speaking last year on a special episode of “Weekly“of The New York Times , Biden says he is “concerned” about Turkey and that he would take “a very different approach” to relations with the country, including support for opposition leaders and the Kurds, US media reported. CNN.

    Trump’s withdrawal from the region, including a sudden withdrawal from Syria that left former anti-IS allies, the Syrian Kurds, exposed to a Turkish advance, has emboldened Erdogan. Since then, the Turkish leader has risked the wrath of the NATO alliance by purchasing Russian weapons and has supported attacks on US and European interests in the Middle East.

    Biden said Erdogan had to “pay a price” for these actions, even if the United States will continue to sell him arms.



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