Yacyretá: Short circuit with Paraguay to advance the winners of two offers before the official announcement


The hydroelectric dam Yacyretá, located opposite the province of The currents on the Paraná River, generated a short with Paraguaywho shares the administration of the factory.

Is it with the permission of the director of the Entity Binacional Yacyretá (EBY) in the neighboring country, the former president Oscar Nicanor Duarte Frutos (2003-2008), the authorities of Paraguay published on the dam's official website Offers have already been awarded for civil works and the supply of electromechanical equipment on the left margin of the arm Aña Cuá.

However, this This is not yet official and the board of directors, composed of 4 Argentineans and 4 Paraguayans, barely will set Tuesday 23.

The 669 International Public Offering of supply of electromechanical equipment would be awarded to Voith Hydro Brazil, a subsidiary of the German company Voith, in competition with IMPSA (formerly Industrias Metalúrgicas Pescarmona S.A.), a company which yesterday received a visit from the President Mauricio Macri in Mendoza.

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At the same time, the 670 offer for the execution of civil engineering work would have as winner the consortium formed by the Italian construction company Astaldi, Argentina Rovella Carranza and Paraguay Tecnoedil.


The EBY in Paraguay revealed the Wednesday, June 19th What Voith Hydro would have won the call for tenders for the supply of equipment and the Thursday 4 this month victory of the Astaldi-Rovella-Tecnoedil consortium after the different Executive Committee Meetings.

This manipulation, as he was able to know The chronicler, generated malaise among Argentine authorities, since to make it official the decision of the board of directors is missing, which integrate the Argentineans Alberto Enrique Devoto (former secretary of energy), Alejandro Sruoga (former Secretary for Electrical Energy), Clodomiro Enrique Risau and Juan Marcelo Gatti and Paraguayan Marco Caballero, Carlos Santacruz, Víctor Almirón and Ysabelino Lichi, among others.

This journal sources contacted from EBY in Argentina, with Voith Hydro and IMPSA, and none denied the versions.

An official source consulted said that it was necessary to wait for the official announcement next week and even said that the problem of Paraguay could correspond to a media operation or to lobby.

Voith has German capital and is badociated with Siemens in the design and construction of equipment and turbines for the production of energy.

The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, is particularly interested in the development of hydroelectric companies in Latin America; apart from Yacyretá, the European country could contribute to the financing of the Chihuido dam in Neuquén, work for which Voith Hydro is badociated with Helport, from América Corporation, a group that directs Eduardo Eurnekian.

The German company offered $ 99.6 million to design, build and install three Kaplan turbines of 92 MW each (276 MW in total) in the Aña Cuá Arm, physically located on the Paraguayan side of the Paraná River, opposite the town of Ayolas.

IMPSA, meanwhile, he was presented with $ 116.3 million, while he was left behind by administrative irregularities, the Chinese Gezhouba -which builds the Condor Cliff and La Barrancosa hydroelectric dams (formerly Néstor Kirchner and Jorge Cepernic) to Holy Cross

Although Voith has in its favor the best economic offer, IMPSA refuses to work with more local content, which will create more jobs in Argentina and this would reduce the costs due to the devaluation that occurred at the end of April 2018, once the bids were already known.

As well, Astaldi, Rovella Carranza and Tecnoedil had presented the economic offer of the most practical civil works, $ 193.2 million.

So, they defeated Cartellone, Chediack, Techint and SACDE (formerly IECSA, a construction company which belonged until last year to Angelo Calcaterra, Macri's cousin, until he bought it Marcelo Mindlin), among other suitors.


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