Yacyretá: the biggest public work of Argentina could be left in foreign hands


Voith Hydro has bid for US $ 99,689,577, which would be awarded the works that will bring the installed capacity at Yacyretá to 9%. For its part, the offer from Araverá, a consortium formed by IMPSA, the Paraguayan company CIE and the Asian construction company Power China, had offered US $ 116,379,881. In the process was left out of the offer presented by the Chinese company Gezchouba.

Insured sector sources minutouno.com what am IThe values ​​of the offers are fixed at April 2018. At that time, Voith Hydro's offer was the most economical.

But after the devaluation, the supply of the Araverá consortium, mainly composed of IMPSA and with the participation of the Paraguayan company CIE and the Asian construction company Power China, became the most economical, since it was defined in pesos and in guaranies. Even in this case, the offer of the German company was the one that had been considered for the first time.

The German company has not won the tender for the moment because, although Araverá was not chosen economically if it was the first to be evaluated technically. Indeed, the machines used would generate more energy and income.

On the other hand, they pointed out that if the Araverá consortium was chosen for the expansion of Yacyretá, the national production would be encouraged and 3,000 jobs would be created. In the meantime, if Voith Hydro is selected, all inputs will be imported.

On the other hand, the German company has a long history in Yacyretá due to problems encountered in existing turbines and poorly done work in the binational dam.

The expansion of the Yacyretá Binational Dam, in the Aña Cuá Arm, is the largest public works project in our country by 2019. It is estimated at $ 500 million over the next four years.

The million-dollar tender provided for the supply of electromechanical equipment for the hydroelectric use of the Aña Cuá arm. Three Kaplan-type turbines, generators and ancillary equipment would be installed to produce energy with water discharged today.

This would increase by 9% the power of the Yacyretá dam, which equates to the consumption of 700,000 homes and avoid the emission of more than 1,000,000 of carbon dioxide.


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