Yale professor says years of sexual debauchery are coming – News


“People will no longer be so religious and will tirelessly seek out social interactions such as nightclubs, bars, restaurants, sporting events and political parties. We could witness a sexual debauchery, ”predicted Christakis in an interview with The Guardian.

He also pointed out that people are going to waste money again, “behaviors that were seen in society in the 1920s”.

When the pandemic is over, people will tirelessly seek social interactions; we could see sexual debauchery

“If we look at all the centuries of previous epidemics, it is clear that we are going to have an interim period in which we will accept the psychological, social and economic cost of the pandemic. I think it will last until around 2023, ”he said.

He noted that society will have to recover from the “terrible impact of this experience”: “Millions of businesses have closed. Millions of Americans are out of work. Millions of children have significantly missed school. Millions of people have lost family members to the virus. Many will have chronic disabilities to contract it. We have to come to terms with all of these things, which will take time, “he said in a published interview. on the website of Yale University.


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