Yanina Latorre effect: Miami faces “vaccine tourism” from foreigners


Desperate to get the coronavirus vaccine, several foreigners travel to Miami to do tourism and elsewhere receive the dose that the state offers for free over 65.

Argentines, Brazilians and Canadians enjoy the “legal loophole“to travel, register and receive the vaccination in the United States, a situation that creates inconvenience for local residents.

This modality that some people are starting to adopt appeared when the TV panelist Yanina Latorre He posted on Instagram that he vaccinated his mother in Miami even though she resides in Argentina: “I love you Dora, I love you. We are vaccinated, mom.”

This highlighted a growing trend in the city of the state of Florida. In Miami the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines they are free for him health workers and over 65s. Then the foreigners take advantage of this legal vacuum and travel exclusively to be vaccinated, recorded the Miami herald.

Seniors should not register for a website where the date, time and place where the dose will be applied will be given. Currently, there are three vaccination centers: the Jackson Health System (JHS) for over 65 years, the Mount Sinai Medical Center for over 75 years and the Hard Rock Stadium, where Latorre was located, which can vaccinate a thousand people per day.

But Latorre’s is not the only example. The renowned lawyer Ana Rosenfeld, 66, also managed to get the vaccine in Miami and said “they give it away for free to anyone over 65”. In addition, according to the newspaper Bugle, there is at least “one dozen “Argentinian businessmen that they already have ticket to travel to Miami in January in order to get vaccinated.

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As reported by the Miami herald, Argentines are not the only ones to take advantage of this situation, but also people come from Brazil and Canada. A Canadian travel agent said it has seen an increase in the number of customers seeking to travel to Miami to get vaccinated.

This situation begins to create annoyance for local residents who find it difficult to register on the vaccination site.

There are also differences between the different vaccination centers regarding this situation. he Mount Sinai Medical Center does not accept foreigners while the president of the Jackson Health System, Carlos migoya, says it’s unimportant the origin of the people and called for vaccination to reach as many people as possible.

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Despite the inconvenience of the inhabitants, in dialogue with the newspaper Sentinel of the Sun, spokesperson for the Florida Department of Health, Jason mahon, stated that “all residents and non-residents from Florida that the eligibility conditions can be vaccinated“In this line, he clarified that the only condition is that they must stay in Florida until you get your second dose: “This it is absolutely forbidden for anyone to come to Florida one day to receive the vaccine and to leave the next day“.

From Miami, in dialogue with C5N, journalist Carlos Montero said: “In Venezuela, there are a large number of Venezuelans in Colombia. Iván Duque’s government has decided that Venezuelans living there will not be vaccinated to prevent an exodus. Something similar is happening. in the USA. We residents are upset that many are taking advantage of this. My parents who are permanent residents, I took the initiative to ask their turn. My parents received the Moderna vaccine. Yanina Latorre received the Pfizer “.

EuDr / Ds


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