Yanina Latorre to Jorge Rial after her criticism of the Jaitt brothers: "You loved laughing at me with the infamous ones"


The panelist of LAM who played last year in a scandal with Natacha came out at the junction of Intruder's driver.

  Yanina Latorre crosses Jorge Rial on Twitter for his words about the Jaitt brothers.
Yanina Latorre met Jorge Rial on Twitter for her words about the Jaitt brothers.

Jorge Rial spoke of the fragile state of health of his daughter Morena who is admitted to a psychiatric clinic and was shot dead very hard Natacha and Ulises Jaitt who approached her last time

"I am going to clarify the situation of my daughter Morena before the manipulation of certain media and some infamous characters . "Among the responses that the message has received, a tweet from Yanina Latorre who played last year in scandal with Natacha after her husband's private audios were broadcast Diego with the media.

Yanina to Rial: "You defeated me, I did not do anything! And you loved to laugh us with the infamous, no? Repeated?"

" The same characters as you did not see it? " Yanina recriminated the Intruders driver, where Natacha was invited as a guest during the Latorre family scandal. Moreover, when a disciple wrote to LAM panelist that she did not defeat Diego's infidelity, she reprimanded him: "I have nothing to overcome ! Catfish! I HAVE NOTHING! I do not tolerate lying and it was part of the lie. "

Then, from the account of Twitter of Moskita Muerta countered the statements that Rial also made in Intruders about the Jaitt brothers:" Rial was talking about the Morena's hospitalization and aimed at the Jaitt: "I ask these two infamous to shut up", could read on the social network.

Then Yanina again shot Jorge: "How many once we ask you Rial? And you defeated me, that I did not do anything! And you loved to laugh at us with the infamous, right? Are you sorry? "Very strong!

The same characters that you sat on your show, is not it? Https://t.co/yAq3gi6Ri2

– Yanina Latorre (@yanilatorre) July 5, 2018

How many times have we asked Rial … and you've defeated me, that I did not do anything! And you loved to laugh at us with the infamous ones, right? Are you sorry? Https://t.co/Qqn9lnnH8c

– Yanina Latorre (@yanilatorre) July 5, 2018

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