Yankee authorities worried about UFOs | Chronic


By Jorge Fernández Gentile
[email protected]

If we consider the information collected during this year, when four months have pbaded since 2019, the different sightings of all types of UFOs on a global scale have had different percentages. That is, if throughout the vast territory of America, as well as in distant Oceania, the appearance of strange lights and devices has grown exponentially compared to the same period last year, however , the number of cases observed in Europe has significantly, without apparent explanations.

In addition, figures remain stable in Asia and Africa, where events involving unknown ships are often reported. The truth is that, as on the American territory, the multiplication of observations surprised both members of government organizations (despite the fact that they continue to deny them) and their peers from private institutions, which led to US Navy authorities to evaluate: the use of a registration protocol, covered by national security issues.

Change of direction?

Beyond some issues related to major climate disasters and political instability in several countries of the region, with the ferment of Venezuela, the American continent has shown in the last four months a frequency Unusual fire and ships of unknown origin have generated a surprising warning among the US Navy High Command, to promote a protocol of action and registration, something unthinkable in the last few decades, when the Yankees armed forces were negations with everything related to the UFO phenomenon. Officials defend the implementation of new directives because, they say, "raids can pose a risk to military securityAccording to several newspaper sources, until recently, it was common for this type of "incursions" to be ignored or, most likely, hidden, and when an officer left a comment or established a record, there was no follow-up or exhaustive investigation, at least externally.However, just as the Aerospace Agency (NASA) has evolved in its badessments, it seems to be going from Even for the Marines, are the authorities already preparing a project that will establish the new guidelines that pilots and other professionals will have to comply with when they see what they elliptically call "unexplained aerial phenomena", with regard to the military high command.

This is not for nothing, it is officially known that the latest US authorities have maintained funding for a secret program to investigate cases registered by the UFO phenomenon between 2007 and 2012. This also motivated the Interest of Conservative MPs. and the Democrats to have access to more detailed information. Something that confirms the not only military, but also political interest of those who direct the maximum power in the world.

Open the umbrella

"There have been numerous reports and reports of unauthorized or unidentified aircraft having entered or crossed an area of ​​our airspace in recent years", the Navy said in a statement published by the digital newspaper Político. In addition, in this text, it is deduced that they have been consulted and that detailed information of several members of the congress have been requested. This led to the fact that the Navy High Command, as well as many pilots, warned of the dangers involved.

In this context, one of the main spokespersons for the navy, Joseph Gradisher, he had to clarify the many previous requests of the ever powerful The Washington Post, one of the most read and most credible media in the United States: "For security and protection reasons, the United States Navy takes these reports very seriously and investigates each of the recorded reports.".

Perhaps this new look of the US Navy goes against the critics received for decades for having given (relatively) very little attention to the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. As you may recall, the Yankee military just a few years ago encouraged a culture that staff should not talk about, as it could hurt their careers.

Chris Mellon, former director of staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told the Post that the current protocol states that if anomalies occur, they should be ignored instead of being explored. "In many cases (military personnel) do not know what to do with this information, such as satellite data.They ignore (the data) because it is not a plane or a traditional missile." Precisely to avoid this type of situation, the Navy proposes to update and formalize the information process on suspicious incursions.

The case of San Diego

The new concern of the announced protocol was born in 2017, when The New York Times He reported that the US government had invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Department of Defense budget between 2007 and 2012 in a secret program to investigate UFOs. The Pentagon will later recognize the existence of the so-called advanced aerospace threat identification program. In one of the videos accessible to the average skilled person, an object seen in San Diego, California, was flying more than 200 kilometers at the time. It was detected by the pilots of two F / A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets from the Navy, who could not give credit to what they had seen.

In Europe it's different

On the other hand, Europeans, through different entities, both governmental and private, have stated that, even though strange ships have not been spotted, the last registered officially add lower percentages than those obtained. in the last five years. Some observers of the phenomenon claim that this reduction in the unresolved problem is due to the fact that, precisely, Europe is going through a period without major war or armed conflict of value.

It is not for nothing, as an indication, that it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and France where the most important records have been added. It is precisely in these two regions that the manifestations of violence have not yet been appeased (in the British Empire, because of the differences between Brexit and Gallic soil, in the continuity of young people). exalted which make up the movement of the yellow vests), this could be the point of attention of the mysterious UFOs.


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