Yankee Military Made the Beer Diet and Was "Like a Twenty Years" | Chronic


In the United States, a former serviceman felt sorrow because he had gained weight and was worried about his physical condition. So he decided to do an experiment during the 45 days of Lent, which was to stop eating solid foods and only eat beer.

As he says Of the room, Who lives in the city of Cincinnati, said in a video released last Sunday that following the diet, lost 19.95 pounds.

The man told a local newspaper that his health had improved and, despite being 43 years old, he "like twenty years" Because he needs less time to sleep, he thinks more clearly and does not suffer from inflammation in his body.

"Really, the common American diet will kill you faster than craft beer.", commented after completing this treatment.

To carry out this challenge, he was inspired by the monks of a monastery near Munich who, at the beginning of the 17th century and with the authorization of the Bavarian elector, began to produce a special Doppelbock beer, so dense and caloric she was known "liquid bread".


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