Yankee Secretary of State stressed Macri's "hard work" | Chronic


The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, he stressedhard work"What the president was doing Mauricio Macri "reform the Argentine economy", During statements in Chile, during an official visit to countries of the region.

In Argentina, "The country has decided that old models do not offer results. That these solutions no longer work. This is not what they are looking for. That's why we appreciate the hard work of President Macri to reform the country's economy."Stressed Pompeo.

According to several media, the official reportedly made these statements at a meeting organized by the US-Chilean Chamber of Commerce as part of the tour of South American countries to discuss the situation in Venezuela.

During this meeting, the President of Chile was present, Sebastián Piñera, whose work as an extension of the economic model followed by the trans-Andean country was also considered by Pompeo.

"There is a saying in English that indicates that the popular is not always the right thing and that the good thing is not always popular. That's what's happening in Argentina"He said.

In this regard, the Secretary of State stressed the return of Argentina to the capital market after 15 years and felt that "the difficult steps companies are starting to give results""The (Argentine) government is taking tough but important steps to build sustainable growth. It is a road with obstacles and it is not safe. But it paid"He said.


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