Yankee shooter admitted that his targets were Mexicans | Chronic


Patrick Crusius, who killed 22 people at a store in El Paso, Texas last weekend, confessed during his arrest by police that his goal was to kill Mexicans, an article in the Washington Post said.

The report is based on the mandate of a detectiveand Adrián García, who states that when the murderer was in police custody, he acknowledged that "Once arrived at the store, he opened fire with the help of an AK-47 badault rifle and shot several innocent victims."

These confessions allowed the authorities to try to reconstruct the events that affected the entire United States and much of the planet.

Crusius told the police that it was he who had opened fire on a crowd at a Walmart shopping center in the border town of El Paso, where many Mexican citizens will usually buy.

He added that he had spent nearly ten hours driving from Allen to El Paso- to commit the murder in the supermarket, after posting a manifesto on the Internet in which he claimed that his badault would be considered a criminal offense. "Response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas."

According to the newspaper, Crusius was inside his vehicle near the Walmart when he was arrested after the mbadacre.

He got out of his car with his hands in the air and identified himself with the police: "I am the author of the filming", He said according to the newspaper article.

Of the 22 people killed, 8 were Mexican citizens. The Chancellor of Mexico, Marcelo EbrardHe said that he was considering asking the United States to extradite the accused.


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