Yankees will control the social networks of those who apply for the visa | Chronic


The United States requires that most visa applicants provide information about their use of social media "to protect the nation from the entry of foreign terrorists", A state department source confirmed Monday.

The majority of visa applicants, including temporary visitors, must include their social networking credentials in a drop-down menu, as well as other personal information from last Friday, the source said.

Candidates will have the opportunity to say that they do not use social networks if that is the case, but if they lie, they might be confronted "serious consequences of immigration".

For the moment, the drop-down menu only includes the main social networking sites, but the source indicates that candidates will soon be able to list all the sites they use, as reproduced by the news agency . Europa Press

"This is a crucial step to establish a better selection of foreign citizens seeking to enter the US As we have seen worldwide in recent years, social media can to be an important forum for the detection of terrorist activities – a vital tool for gaining immigration benefits and setting foot on US territory "added the spokesperson.

Social Network IDs will be incorporated into a background check against US government generated tracking lists.

Travel history

In the future, applicants will also need to provide more comprehensive information on their travel history.

The policy stems from a March 2017 decree issued by the president. Donald Trump with the intention of putting the "meticulous examination".

The State Department announced its intention to implement the policy in March 2018.
The Trump Executive Order is entitled: "Protect the nation from the entry of foreign terrorists into the United States."

The US Department of State already includes a major change in the form that all non-immigrant visa applicants (such as tourism) must complete. pic.twitter.com/SB6HXzFNXA

– VisaServicesSV (@VisaServicesSV)
June 3, 2019

The previous administration, presided over by the democrat Barack Obama, received strong criticism in 2015 after Tashfeen Malik will help her husband Syed Farook, born in the United States, killed 14 people during a shootout in 2015 in San Bernardino, California.

Malik had declared his terrorist sympathies on social media before being granted a visa for the United States.


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