Yanqui checked the security cameras at home and discovered something terrifying | Chronic


Joey Nolan, a citizen who lives in New York, USA, was stunned when he checked his house's security cameras and saw something terrifying: shadows that seemed to be the body of a baby running in his living room, with what looked like being a pet

On August 8, the young man stated that the "Strange visitor" He rushed through his kitchen and said that he was extremely enthusiastic. In the clip, you can see a strange path running through the living room of this frightened New Yorker's house.

After posting the video on social networks, one of the netizens commented on Joey's video: "Has anyone recently died in the family?".

Nolan replied: "Fortunately, there has been no recent death. We have investigated the history of the house to see if there is any sense at the date of the event. There is not much. "

Some have offered their own explanations and suggest that it is a spider or just a little "dust".


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