Yanqui won $ 768 million in the lottery and resigned from his job | Chronic


A 24-year-old man residing in the American city of Wisconsin on Tuesday claimed the $ 768.4 million Powerball lottery prize. The draw was held on March 27th.

Manuel Franco he said that "He almost felt lucky" the day he bought his tickets because he felt that he was going to be lucky and that from that point on, until they announced the winning numbers he felt persecuted every time he went out.

"I had paranoia to believe that the whole world was chasing me"confessed the young man, adding: "I thought that someone was following me every day, it's hard to live your life when you have the ticket everyone wants."

Franco, after receiving the award, refused to speak for himself and did not explain how he made a living or the type of car he drove. In less than 48 hours, he resigned from his position.

The only thing that has been brought to light is that the lucky young man has decided to accept the one-time payment of 477 million US dollars, instead of the fractional total amount over 29 years.

In addition, he said that even if he is willing to donate, he will not give money to those who approach him. "I'm smart and I know how to say no", Stressed Franco.

The two most important awards given by the American lottery date back to January 2016, when the Powerball had split $ 1.586 million between three winners from California, Florida and Tennessee, and October 2018, when a citizen of Carolina South had won the prize of 1.537 million euros. Mega Millions.


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