Yemen: 51 attacks die Chronicle


In Yemen, at least 51 people died when rebels fired a missile at a military parade in Aden and suicide bombers attacked a police station in another part of the southern city. The missile fell on a training camp during the parade of some 500 recruits belonging to a militia loyal to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a member of a coalition fighting the Houthi rebels of Yemen to support the government. from the country.

The Houthis website, Al-Masirah He added that the movement, aligned with Iran, had launched the medium-range missile against the parade that killed dozens, including several commanders. Shortly before, a group and three motorbikes loaded with explosives were destroyed by suicide bombers in front of a police station in the district of Omar al-Mokhtar. Four attackers participated in the coordinated attack, which left 11 dead and 29 wounded.

The war in Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world, began in late 2014 with the capture of the capital Sanaa and most of the north and west of the country by the Houthis. The conflict, which left thousands dead, intensified in March 2015 with the intervention of a coalition of Arab countries backed by the United States.


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