Yemeni rebels threaten to repeat attacks on oil companies | Chronic


Houthi insurgents in Yemen, who claimed responsibility against the Aramco company against Saudi oil facilities on Saturday, warned foreign companies in the sector that "Stay away from the refineries of Abqaiq and Khurais" because they could repeat the attacks against this strategic sector.

In a press release broadcast by Al Masirah, the television channel linked to Yemeni rebels broadcasting from Beirut, the Houthi spokesman reiterated his threats of attack against the oil heart of the Persian Gulf.

A day after the announcement of the attack with ten drones, which resulted in the paralysis of half of Saudi oil production, the general Yahya Saria badured that the oil companies "They are still in our sights … we can attack these targets and other Saudi targets when we want them".

US diplomacy was divided between those who openly pointed out Iran's responsibility in these events, including the Secretary of Defense. Mike Pompeoand enter who, like the president himself Donald TrumpThey felt that before moving to action, they should wait until Riyadh defines the author of the attack that has shaken the price of crude oil in the world.

READ ALSO: Trump is "loaded and ready" to respond to the attack on Saudi refineries

This Monday from Vienna, the US Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, reinstated the statements against Tehran by declaring itself responsible for one "deliberate attack" to the global economy and the energy market.

"I want to reaffirm that the United States totally condemns Iran's attack on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and we ask other countries to do the same." This behavior is unacceptable and they must to answer it. " denounced the US official quoted by EFE.

"Despite the evil efforts of Iran, we are confident that the market will be resilient and respond in a positive way.", he said, with regard to the effects on the supply and the price that the damage suffered by these refineries could have.


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