Yoma, a Peronist historian compared the situation of Macri and Fernández to a scene of the Godfather


Jorge Yoma wrote a series of messages to make fun of those who ask the president to approach the presidential candidate by the Front of All Source: Archive – Credit: Fernando Font

Shortly before his death, Vito Corleone made a recommendation to Michael, his son and future heir to his mafia structure: "Whoever offers you to meet Barzini is the traitor, do not forget." The scene they play
Marlon Brando and Al Pacino corresponds to the movie
The Godfatherand Barzini is the main enemy of the Corleone clan.

A Peronist from Cambiemos recalled a memorable scene of "The Godfather"


This fragment of the memorable movie of
Francis Ford Coppola It was highlighted today, via the Twitter network, by the ambbadador of Argentina to Peru, historical leader of Peronism.
Jorge Yoma, today in the ranks of the ruling party. And he did it to harm all those who, from journalism and the government environment, suggest
Mauricio Macri contact
Alberto Fernandez, after
the big defeat suffered by the Argentine president at the OSP last Sunday.

1) It's been a long time since I only see TV series, concerts or sports (dumb), c / Spotify Too lucid and serene, I started to look at some political programs to miss them … & – Jorge Yoma (@NegroYoma)
August 13, 2019

Through a series of tweets, numbered from 1 to 7, the former deputy and national senator of La Rioja, he took his time to explain step by step why they were, according to him, "incredible pelotudeces" to try to have an approach between
Macri and the
Before everyone.

"It's been a long time since I'd seen any TV shows, concerts or sports (dumb) with Spotify." Since I was too lucid and calm, I started watching political programs for that to happen … ", began Carlos Menem's political cousin with his first message.

"The pelotucks I've heard are incredible." The (para-governmental) reporters in chorus are asking the president to call his political opponent to "guarantee" governance …, "said the Peronist in a statement. second message.

3) I imagine the dialogue: "- Hello Alberto …" "- Why not Mauricio, what's going on?" "- You have to go out and say that you will not change anything, rebadure the markets so you can win in October .." "- With pleasure, Mauri! Total, I do not want to win …[R]& – Jorge Yoma (@NegroYoma)
August 13, 2019

Then, Yoma wrote an imaginary conversation full of irony between Macri and Fernández: "I imagine the dialogue: -Hello Alberto …

– And Mauricio, what's up?

– I need you to say that you will not change anything, to rebadure the markets so that I can win you in October … "

– Gladly Mauri! Total, I do not want to win … "

The tweet closes with an emoji that expresses disbelief.

5) I hope the president will not give the ball to those who are raising this flock. Show your leadership. Change what needs to be changed and try to win in October … & – Jorge Yoma (@NegroYoma)
August 13, 2019

"What's wrong with them? Are they in fart? Macri has six months of government and his reelection is played within 60 days (possibly another election in November). call AF for help? ", Yoma adds in another Twitter message.

"I hope that the president will not give the ball to those who are raising this herd, show leadership, change what needs to be changed and try to win in October …", he says in a statement. tweet number 5, then in the next. … because at the same time as he speaks or meets his adversary, his government goes to hell. He will no longer be a "Rengo Duck" (as the gringos call the outgoing president), but a "paraplegic duck". "

Al Pacino and Marlon Brando represent Michael and Vito Corleone in the memorable scene of the Godfather Jorge Yoma bailed today.
Al Pacino and Marlon Brando represent Michael and Vito Corleone in the memorable scene of the Godfather Jorge Yoma bailed today. Credit: Capture

Finally, he left the nomination of the Godfather: "And to my respected friends, Mauricio Macri and Miguel Pichetto, remember the great Vito:" Whoever proposes a meeting with Tartaglia, is the traitor … ".

Although the name of the character of the film Coppola is called Barzini and not Tartaglia – Yoma was mistaken with family names – the message he wanted to leave at the dome of Together for Change is quite clear as to the caution with those who propose to approach political opponents.

Jorge Yoma, in News Therapy, by LN +

Jorge Yoma: "When the decisions of the government will have to be taken, Cristina will exercise the power"


The Peronist leader participated in

New therapies

and argued that the power to
In front of everybody It is held by Cristina Kirchner. "She has drawn lists of deputies across the country, and Cristina Kirchner is at the center of power, as Pichetto says," he said.



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