You can consult the list of electors | For …


The National Electoral Court has published the provisional list of elections of 2019, with the possibility that every citizen consults his data and makes a claim to the National Register of Electors in case of error.

The consultation can be done at
and there you can access the claim button that will be activated until May 24th.

The final list of general elections will be published on 27 September. The polling station will then be known.

Confirmed dates

Today, the government has officially announced the dates of the elections. Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory (STEP) Elections to Vote for Presidential, Vice-Presidents, Senators and National Members will be held on August 11th. Meanwhile, the generals will be held on 27 October and the presidential election on 24 November.

In addition, the executive felt that it "does not correspond to convene the electorate" to vote in the elections of Mercosur parliamentarians, according to a recent resolution of the regional bloc.

Regarding the renewal of the 43 parliamentarians of Mercosur, the decree states that "under the joint declaration on the functioning of the Parliament of Mercosur of April 16, 2019, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which suspends provisions of the constitutive protocol of the Mercosur Parliament regarding the direct election of parliamentarians, it is not appropriate to call the electors of the Nation to vote in this category ".

The decree signed by President Mauricio Macri confirms that the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing (headed by Rogelio Frigerio), through the National Electoral Directorate, will adopt the "necessary measures for organizing and carrying out "elections.


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