You can now download the documents that the …


A clause in the government financing law enacted in December by US President Donald Trump that then went unnoticed today keeps thousands of people around the world in suspense: the regulation forces intelligence services to report to Congress everything they know about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Before arriving at the Capitol, the organization The black vault succeeded in making available the CIA files for Free download in its web page.

As reported by US media, in the bill passed by Trump in December was the Intelligence authorization law for 2021 with a clause require intelligence chiefs to submit a report “to Congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena, including observed airborne objects that have not been identified”, within 180 days.

They are also invited to identify “possible threats aerospace or other threats posed by unidentified aerial phenomena to national security, and an assessment of whether this activity related to unidentified aerial phenomena can be attributed foreign adversaries“.

Last week, the site The black vault succeeded in making CIA files available for free download. John Greenewald Jr, founder of the page, spent the last 25 years of insisting that the agency reveal its secrets and allow it access to its documents. Finally, he succeeded. The researcher said his work is more than rewarding and it is social work because everyone “has the right to know”.

Since 1996, “The Black Vault has grown into one of the internet’s premier destinations for information / research on government secrets, top-secret projects, history, and much more,” the website explains on his mission.

“The CIA has made this job extremely difficult,” John Greenewald Jr said in statements to the Motherboard portal.

When I started I was 15 and I knew there was information about it. I know there is something else. And not because of false information from the Internet, but because there is data from the CIA, the NSA and the armed forces. I feel like I finally achieved what I wanted to do, a easy access to important documents so people can read it and form their own opinion on what is going on“, he celebrated.

What documents can we find?

The files contain a variety of information, ranging from anonymous individuals who claim to have seen explosions of fire coming out of nowhere, to craters which appear without explanation in various places.

In the first 24 hours, the documents were available, Greenewald reported, “there were tens of thousands of downloads.”

As the CIA confirmed to The Black Vault, this would be your complete collection, but there is no way to guarantee it 100%.


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