You go up to the butcher's shop: beef cuts went up by 6.1% in June and chicken by 9.3%


Beef prices for butchers rose sharply in June. The reductions showed an average 6.1% adjustment, which translates into an annual increase of 23.9%. Despite the June flood, prices were lower than general inflation in the last 12 months, estimated by various private consulting firms in the range of 25% to 30%. During this period, the segment that exceeded the 30% threshold was chicken meat, which increased by 37.1% in the comparison between June 2017 and June 2018.

Data are from last report produced by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Meat and Derivatives (CICCRA). The same badertion that prices are taken from the butchers of Greater Buenos Aires.

In the case of beef, the rise in June is surprising given that the previous month said that the level had been 2, 6%, in a context where the value of 39, live animal recorded an increase of 12.4% (last two months).

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In the past month, the segment that increased the most was the chicken, which recorded an average increase of 9.3%. "Thus, between May and June, beef decreased by 2.9% compared to poultry meat, a level that reached 9.7% by comparing June 2017 and June 2018," said Miguel Schiariti, president of CICCRA

On the hog side, prices rose 1.8% in the last month, an increase of 15.9% over the past 12 months. Thus, pork was cheaper compared to the vaccine and avian last year: 6.4% in the first case and 15.5% in the second. Beyond prices, the industry has revealed a 1.8% drop in the sixth month of the year in what makes the slaughter vaccine. It stood at 1024 million head (provisional data) in the month.

However, the level remains positive during the badysis of the first semester: during this period, 360 establishments shot down 6.5 million heads, which gives an increase of 7.4% compared to the previous year. same period of the previous year.

Something similar happened with beef production, which fell by 2% in June compared to June 2017, but in the first six months. % over the first half of 2017 (there was a total of 1.48 million tonnes of bone-in beef)

"This allowed to increase exports and domestic consumption of bovine meat During the year, export growth has prevented the excess supply of livestock from generating significant declines in livestock prices for consumption, "said Schiariti.

With estimated data for June, beef exports would increase by 60% (this goes from o). In parallel with internal consumption also rising: in June, it would have been 58.6 kg / year per capita (moving average of the last 12 months).

"In interannual terms this figure has improved by 3.5%," the report says. With these data, 86.4% of the total production went to the domestic market, whereas a few months ago this level was 90.8%.

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