"You must stop using judges to persecute those who can not beat them in elections"


Alberto Fernández, during his tour in Spain, gave a lecture at the Spanish Congress. The Front candidate with all thanked the warmth of the welcome to Spain and the presence of Argentines residing in the country. And he said about prisons in South America: "You have to stop using judges to persecute those who can not beat them in elections."

At the beginning of his lecture, he said: "Latin America has had different moments. He had progressive governments where they realized systems of containment and an important social development "and placed the examples of Brazil under the government of Lula Da Silva and in front of all the public, expressing" Lula Book "under the applause of the people present.

He also highlighted Argentina with the governments of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, Bolivia with Evo Morales and Chile with Michelle Bachelet. Later, he added, "After these governments have begun to advance the right and conservative forces, it seems to me that in the case of Argentina, the arrival of a government like the one we have is a huge one. political, social and cultural deterioration that makes the quality of a society

For Fernandez, the Macri government was furthermore "the government of the art of improvisation and criticized the economic policy of Mauricio Macri".

In this context, he mentioned the results of the PASS of 11 August and said: "Argentina seems to be the first country to stand up and react by showing its adherence to Cristina and myself".

Later, he said: "We must show a different era in Argentina and also in Latin America, integrating it in a different way from what it has done in recent years".

Regarding the regional context, he said: "The first task is to rebuild the unity of Latin America's historical and cultural historical interests and restore its multipolar relationship with the world". And he said: "I do not propose a bad relationship with the United States, but a mature relationship" and considered the role of Spain in the development of a new relationship with the US. Europe. "Spain definitely has an important role to play, it opens the door to Europe."

Agreement with the European Union

Regarding the recent agreement with the European bloc, he said: "It seems that one of them was against, but we must not forget that the one who has met the government most, whose chief of staff was the chief of staff "recalled:" in 2011, Cristina genro new meetings with the EU ".

And he said: "Integration should not be to the detriment of harming Argentina. It is a country in the concert of free nations.

Regarding the debt, he said that the country would respect and honor its debts but "not at the expense of the deterioration of our people".

Finally, he spoke again about the former president of Brazil: "I am a lawyer, no state supports an inmate wherever we go, we will ask for his freedom and in Argentina we must also be concerned about good state for manipulations and judicial detentions. arbitrary and that must be finished. "


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