Young man declared dead woke up just before organ donation


A British teenager who had been declared dead in a traffic accident woke up a few hours before their organ donation.

It is Lewis Roberts, 18, who started blinking four days after being hit by a van in England after being told by family members that he was brain dead.

As doctors prepared to disconnect him and undergo surgery to donate his organs, the teenager he started to breathe on his own even though there was “no chance” go forward.

The story began two weeks ago, on Saturday March 13, when Lewis was run over in the town of Leek, Staffordshire. After the accident he was transferred to the Royal Stoke University Hospital, but the young man seemed to have lost his fight.

“Lewis suffered catastrophic head injuries when he was hit by a van in his hometown and was airlifted to hospital where he underwent emergency surgery. Four days later, the doctors told our family that nothing more could be done, because unfortunately he had suffered a “ brainstem death ”. He was deceased, ”said Chloe Roberts, a member of his family.

And he recalled: “After saying goodbye to Lewis, immediate family courageously agreed to donate their organs to help the lives of seven other people. This gave Lewis more time before his survival machine came to a halt. “

The boy is recovering quickly, according to his family. (Photo: BPM)For: BPM

Then the incredible happened. Just hours before the operation, Lewis began to breathe on his own. “It’s a miracle any family could wish for after learning they had no chance to move forward,” Roberts added.

According to medical reports, the young man grows stronger every day after the “miracle”, which leaves his family more optimistic.

“After that Lewis continued to improve. He began to respond to the pain tests, moving his limbs on his own and also moving his head side to side, blinking and moving her mouth too. Every day this boy gets stronger ”.

Following the news, the family created a request for funding to pay for the treatment fees and 1,800 pounds sterling (nearly $ 2,500) have already been donated.

“Any money sent will go to Lewis when he gets home and gets back on his feet. We would just like to say to you, as a family, thank you very much and we are very grateful for everyone’s prayers and our best wishes for Lewis, ”said Roberts.

Following the launch of the fundraising call, his sister Jade roberts, 28, told StokeonTrent Live, “Thank you very much to each of you who donated. Lewis will be delighted ”.


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