Young Man Finds Message In Bottle From Almost A Century Ago And Trusts Sender’s Wish | the Chronicle


Woman found letter with message in glass bottle while diving Michigan, United States. The bottle lay for almost a century at the bottom of a river, until it was found by the woman, who made this story public in his Facebook and succeeded in granting the wish of the sender.

Jennifer dowker, 45 years old, entrepreneur Nautical North Family Adventures, who offers glass bottom boat tours, found the green bottle with a message in the past June 18 by diving in the Cheboygan river to clean the windows on the bottom of your boat.

Whoever finds this bottle will return this paper to George Morrow, Cheboygan, Michigan and tell you where he found it.“read the message, which was dated November 1926.

Once she discovered the message the bottle contained inside, the woman didn’t hesitate to share the discovery within her. social networks. Where this story was most relevant was in Facebook.

So look what I found when I was washing the windows (and sailing with a fish) … all tomorrows know Georges morrow I would have written that around 1926. Coolest night in divingDowker wrote in his Facebook post.

After sharing his discovery with his followers on the social network, Jennifer dowker has been contacted by Michèle Primeau, 74, the daughter of the man who wrote the letter in 1926, who decided to contact her after seeing the post online.

Michèle immediately recognized that this message had been written by her late father. In fact, Dowker noted that he was mainly able to identify it by the writing on the paper and why his father left letters like this for people to find.


In addition, he detailed that Georges morrow He died in 1995, so by looking at the date on the letter you can determine that the man threw her in the river before she was 18 of age.

The publication of the story of this impressive find has garnered over 70,000 likes, 6,000 comments and has been shared over 113,000 times on the social network.

Finally, Dowker admitted that he is “completely amazed by the whole situation“and likened this event to winning the lottery.”I believe that everything in this life happens for a reason. This is a beautiful and amazing example of that.“, he condemned.


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