Young man lived in a tree for 11 days to avoid infecting his family with coronavirus


A young indio 18 years old caught coronavirus and in order not to infect their loved ones, “Mute” for 11 days at a tree. There he built a Platform with bamboo sticks which he attached to the strongest branches.

Since many families share a single room which includes the kitchen and sometimes even the bathroom, Covid-positive patients often find that they have nowhere to go to isolate themselves.

Anasuya at home. (Photo: printing)

For it, Shiva, as the young man is known, added a bed to his little house and a rope to receive food and other items sent to him for a bucket. “My husband and I work with a daily salary, and we have two more children besides Shiva,” the mother said, Anasuya, to one of the local media.

“He understood that if he infects us, it will be difficult for our family survive without profit“He added

Shiva above the isolated tree of his family. (Photo: printing)

The woman also pointed out that when doctors told them she needed to self-isolate, they drove five kilometers to the nearest hospital, but there they were told that they had no more space.

“As the family house has only one bathroom, for his physiological needs Shiva I was going to the field when it started to get dark, ”he said. Shiva’s case was reported by media and local authorities they moved the young man to a hostal converted into an isolation center.

Veera shekar, a member of the office of the police station, said: “We didn’t know he lived like this. There are 13 villages and having an isolation center in each village would be a task. Officials they would have to visit each of them”.

After completing his period of isolation, Shiva you can go home Along with his parents and siblings, fulfilling the goal of isolating himself from them to avoid infecting them.


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