Young people call for climate emergency in Congress | Chronic


On May 24th, the Congress will count with the presence of hundreds of young people united by the same cause: demanding the state of emergency climate on all the national territory. At 5 pm, summoned by "Young people for the Argentinean climate"Children and adults will participate in a day of mobilization and protest that will be added to the 270 that will take place in cities around the world.

The Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation, Sergio Bergman, your chef de cabinet, Patricia Holzman, the UNDP Resident Representative René Mauricio Valdés, and the UNDP Environment and Sustainable Development Coordinator, Maria Eugenia Di Paolathey received local representatives of Alliance for Climate.

The initiative stems from the big youth strikes and the high international impact that is taking place in other countries. The demonstrations were led by Greta Thunbers, a 16-year-old Swedish teenager who has decided to arm herself and demand political action on environmental issues in her country's parliament. For this reason, March 15 was established as the date of the universal event.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report stressing that it was important to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 ° C , using temperature in the preindustrial period (1850 to 1900) as a basis for comparison. To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030.

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As a result of this report, young people around the world have decided to make their voices heard. And in Argentina, a group of teenage high school friends decided to take the first step in forming the group in our country.

"With our high school clbadmates, we learned that a march had been called on March 15. Seeing that there was no strong movement here, we said," We must be we . "is how was born" Youth for Argentina climate ", from there we started to work", comments Uri Ermel, one of the founders of "Young people for the Argentinean climate".

Uri does not want "his generation to go down in history as one who has done nothing".

The march that they carried out on March 15 for them was the key to continuing to grow; They duplicated their subscribers on Instagram and today, thousands of people are being called for this Friday afternoon. "Although we can do a lot with the street, if we really want to make an impact at the parliamentary level, we have to work with them, with the politicians, to get together and start working together to make bills. This is why we meet with MPs from all political parties, and this must be taken into account as a national policy, because it is a very general thing that hurts us all. " Uri said.

If there is something on which the young insists, it is also his "moral duty" fight and not sit idly by. "I do not want my generation to go into history as those who could have done something to prevent this climate crisis from understanding the consequences and did not do it. Grandchildren talk to me and ask me, "Why did not you do anything? "knowing that they are the ones who will suffer the most," says the young man.

And he adds: "We want to go down in history as those who mobilize effectively and fight against the indifference of states to climate change and not as those who could have done something and were indifferent. , the future belongs to us "

They demand urgent action be taken

1. Monitor and enforce minimum laws on the environmental budget.

2. Comply with the provisions of the Paris Agreement and review the findings of the latest IPCC report.

3. Promote a sustainable diet to minimize degradation of the environment caused by livestock and agriculture.

4. Accelerate the just transition to an energy matrix from renewable sources.

5. Implement concrete measures to adapt to climate change.


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