Young People Writing the Future Scholarship 2021: How To Apply For Help Of 2,400 Pesos Per Month


(Photo: @SecretariaIPN)
(Photo: @SecretariaIPN)

The National Coordination of Becas para el Bienestar Benito Juárez (CNBBBJ) continues to publish calls for applications for higher education programs and announced this weekend that from September 1, the deadline to register for “Young people write the future”.

This financial aid is intended for students registered in Public higher education establishments (IPES) who live in a state of poverty or vulnerability and reside in areas with high rates of violence. Students of indigenous and Afro-descendant origin can also apply.

To be a beneficiary, it is necessary to be registered in one of the following centers:

* Intercultural universities.

* Native teacher training schools.

* Normal Intercultural Schools.

* Rural teacher training schools.

* Universities for the well-being Benito Juárez.

* University of Health of Mexico and the State of Puebla.

* Schools located in indigenous towns and / or municipalities.

* Schools located in localities and / or communes with strong or very strong marginalization.

* Federal and state public normal schools.

* Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University.

* Autonomous University of Chapingo.

The program consists of economic support of 2,400 pesos per month which are paid bimonthly, that is, 4,800 pesos are dispersed every two months.

Registrations to register will be open from September 1 to 30. We tell you everything you need to know to be part of “Young people write the future”.

(Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)

What are the requirements?

1. Be enrolled in the school modality, in any Public higher education establishment (IPES), among those mentioned earlier in this note.

2. Be up to 29 years old as of December 31, 2020. This with the exception of students enrolled in the following priority IPES:

a) Intercultural universities.

b) Native normal schools.

c) Normal schools which teach the intercultural education model.

d) Rural teacher training schools.

e) Educational headquarters of the Coordinating Body of Benito Juárez García Universities for Welfare and of the University of Health of Mexico City and the State of Puebla.

3. Have an estimated monthly per capita income below the Poverty Limit Income (LPI).

4. Not to receive, simultaneously, another scholarship for the same purpose granted by any body or entity of the Federal Public Administration (FPA).

5. Apply as a candidate by registering your scholarship application in the Unique System of Higher Education Beneficiaries (SUBES) on the page:

In the case of IPES candidates who, due to their conditions, it is not possible to carry out the digital process, they can consult the section “Considerations” to call number 2, by clicking here.

6. For Continuation Fellows whose home academic institution is a Higher Education Institution (IES) with which there was previously a collaboration agreement, a letter must be submitted under protest to tell the truth, which includes the supporting documents allowing him to certify your personality as a continuation grant holder, and which you can also consult in the appeal document.

(Photo: Secretary of Education of Nuevo Léon)
(Photo: Secretary of Education of Nuevo Léon)

How to apply for the scholarship?

The CNBBBJ will grant a total of 410,000 scholarships across the country. The program will grant each candidate 9,600 pesos, corresponding to the last two months of the year:

1) September-October 2021. Income of 4,800 pesos.

2) November-December 2021. Income of 4,800 pesos.

Applicants must complete the following steps to apply for the scholarship:

1. Before September 1, the IPES must register in the SUBES, the updated school file of the pupils of their establishment. Each interested party must verify that their information is correct. If so, you must activate the school file to apply for the scholarship, thereby expressing your agreement with the data indicated.

2. Then interested persons should register their scholarship application through SUBES on the website:, from September 1 to 30, 2021.

3. Applicants must correctly enter in SUBES the interbank CLABE (18 digits) of an active bank account and in their name, between September 1 and 30, 2021. The account must meet the following conditions:

a) That the account holder is the applicant.

b) That it allow electronic transfers, withdrawals and deposits greater than the total amount of the purse.

c) That the account belongs to a banking establishment domiciled in the national territory.

d) It is not the “IXE”, “Banco Walmart”, “Banco Ahorro Famsa” or “Cuenta Efectiva Jóvenes de Bancoppel” bank.

e) That the account has the possibility of receiving more than two deposits per month.

f) That it is not an “electronic wallet” type account.

g) This is not an investment or credit account.

h) That there is no limit on the amount of transactions.

The results of the beneficiaries of the Youth Writing the Future program will be published on October 13, 2021.


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