YouTube: A woman waits for her husband and lover for hours outside the motel, but suffers a cruel cheating | Colombia | Viral | Motel Palmeiras | Video | World


Via YouTube the story of a woman deceived by her husband became viral among users in Colombia, all as a result of a photograph in front of the hotel Palmeiras in the east of Bucaramanga . Where, according to users, she had been waiting for hours for her husband to go out with her lover, but never saw them.

After many badumptions and explanations, the establishment called Motel Palmeiras decided to clarify what happened. . The story began after seeing a "suspicious" woman spy on the entrance to the institution, which provoked a series of "warning" comments on social networks.

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Users commented on the stranger who waited for hours, but in the end had to go and see that no one is gone. Finally the true story was revealed in YouTube where the hotel staff explained that they became "allies" of the unfaithful so that "I did not know". it is not detected.

That's what I call quality of service. Thank you Palmeiras Motel for saving this harbaded social leader.

– Maxi Cadavid ❄️ (@MaxiCadavid) July 13, 2018

On the YouTube tape they say that pbaded 9 am a lady hides behind the plants to wait for the unfaithful man, because an hour and a half later, one of the clients calls the front desk to warn of the presence of his wife in front of the establishment.

After evaluating the situation, depending on how it is read on YouTube, they decide to take refuge with the client until the woman is in the same position. go. "Thinking about the security and discretion of our client and the particular situation, three alternatives are generated: 1. Disguise yourself as one of our employees, 2. Escape to the trunk of a taxi and 3. Shelter in the motel facilities ", describes the YouTube tape.

#ServicioSocial :
If anyone is at the Palmeiras Motel, do not go out! His wife is out and he will make stories.

– Dr. Acid (@soyreflujo) July 13, 2018

In the end, the alleged infidel and his lover managed to escape "unscathed" from the hotel undetected, so the video ends with an ironic message: "In the Palmeiras motel the purposes are always happy."

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