YouTube | Amazing images of the only survivor of an Amazonian tribe | Brazil | VIDEO Trade | World | News


A clip of the last survivor of an isolated tribe in Amazonas of Brazil published this Friday, had an impact on the planet. It is the "native hole ", which would be about 50 years old and, as the recording shows, it looks half-naked and hair pulled into a ponytail very long.

Al " del Hoyo " is known for the holes that he usually digs into the ground, and lives alone in the Amazon Rain Forest for at least 22 years. All the while, not a single word exchanged, no contact with another human being.

The National Indigenous Foundation (Funai), in charge of monitoring the territory where it lives and guaranteeing its protection, has published the most advanced images ever made. of this Indian who could be the most lonely man in the world

The "native man from the hole " lives in a hut and appears to be in good health. Survive chasing pigs, birds and monkeys with a bow and arrows. In addition, he captures prey in the holes he makes on the ground, hidden under planks. Plant crops such as papaya, potato, banana or corn.

Funai does not keep in touch with the natives, but secretly supplies him with objects useful for his survival, such as seeds and tools. This happens often.

This entity of the Brazilian government is in charge of making this man live in peace, that no one intervene on its territory, about 8,070 hectares protected in the country of Tanaru, in the state of Rondônia . Apparently, the Indian prefers that.

And it is that his city has a traumatic history: in the decade of the 80s, disorderly colonization, the establishment of farms and illegal logging, have provoked successive attacks in the isolated indigenous towns that lived up to then in these regions. Many were slaughtered, among them the family and friends of the "native hole ", according to Funai.

After the last farmer attack in late 1995, the "natives of the pit", which was already small (six people), was reduced to one survivor. This crime has gone unpunished. In June 1996, Funai became aware of the existence of this tribe from the location of his colony and other remains. When he finally confirmed his existence, there remained only this man.

When Funai confirmed the presence of the Indian, he made some attempts to contact, but stopped trying to realize that it was not his will. As they explain, their loneliness is a choice, which is why they respect it.

In the last decade, Funai has conducted 57 indigenous surveillance raids and about 40 trips for surveillance and protection of the place. Over time, they recorded several images of him, obtained by chance.

"We always know more or less where he is, we are watching from afar," says Altair Algayer, coordinator of the foundation in the region. ] These are the images published by Funai in his account of YouTube :

Source: Agencies

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