YouTube and Google fall globally | Chronic


YouTube and other Google services dropped on June 2nd. It is the largest area of ​​reported problems in the eastern and northeastern United States (cities such as New York, Washington, Boston, Baltimore, Richmond, Pittsburgh) and Canada Toronto, Quebec, Halifax), according to the Downdetector website.

The map published by the media shows that the video portal has also experienced failures in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Russia (in the Moscow region). The major disadvantages of the platform are reproduction and access to the Web.

On the other hand, other registered services have stopped operating in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and Israel, according to the portal.

The interruption has been reported not only in Google applications or services, but also in others. Thus, according to Twitter users, the problems were recorded in the Google search engine, Google Drive, Gmail, Nest, Pokemon GO, Snapchat, Citizen App, Uber, Shopify, etc.

For its part, the Google Status Dashboard indicates that a larger portion of its services is down and that problems started around 3:25 pm Eastern Time (7:25 pm GMT). ).

"We are experiencing high network congestion rates in the eastern United States, affecting several Google Cloud, GSuite and YouTube services," the Status dashboard said. "Users may experience poor performance or recurring errors, we believe we have identified the main cause of congestion and hope to return to normal service soon.", the message is over.

The YouTube team posted on his Twitter account that if the service "It does not load or you encounter error messages, we are working to solve it!".

Update: YouTube is back and working again for the vast majority of people! If you still have a problem, it should be resolved quickly.

– TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube)
June 2, 2019


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