YouTube suspended Donald Trump’s channel | The …


Youtube joined the social networks that suspended the President of the United States, Donald trump. The video platform determined that the president you will not be able to upload new content to your channel for seven days, almost his remaining time in power, after a Trumpian horde took over the Capitol last week.

According to the statement released by YouTube, the decision was made “in light of concerns about the continued potential for violence.” “Given the current concerns, too we will turn off channel comments indefinitely of President Trump, as we have done with other channels where there are security concerns, ”they added from the platform.

Likewise, the platform reported that after a review it proceeded to remove new content uploaded to Trump’s channel for “breaking” his policies, without going into detail.

In this way, YouTube – owned by giant Google – joins restrictions imposed by other tech companies on Trump after his supporters – whom he himself summoned to Washington for an act in which he denounced that the presidential elections were fraudulent – took to Capitol Hill to prevent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from being confirmed as president and vice respectively -President. Five people died in the riots.

Last Friday, Twitter was the first social network to suspend Trump’s account over “the risk of further incitement to violence.”. During and after the election campaign, the social network began to mark the president’s tweets as false or questionable, especially those in which he proclaimed himself the winner of the election.

After temporarily suspending Trump’s account, Twitter permanently deprived him of this tool, with which the outgoing president had sent more than 55,000 messages for more than eleven years and in which he had 89 million subscribers.

Upon hearing the news, Trump released a statement saying “they will not shut us up.” “They silenced me and YOU, the 75 million great patriots who voted for me,” he said.

Facebook and Instagram also blocked the president from accessing his account at least until the transfer was completed on January 20, and Twitch and Snapchat deactivated his profile indefinitely.


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