YouTube: They did simulations at the university and a tragic mistake ended the life of a student | India | Kovai Kalaimagal | Video | World


A 19-year-old attending a survival clbad in India was the victim of a tragic accident after being dumped from the second floor and ending with fatal injuries. Today, evidence of the incident has been shared on YouTube and family members are demanding justice …

The tragic event took place at College of Arts and Crafts. Science Kovai Kalaimagal India When the young woman participated in an exercise that should prepare students in case of natural disaster; However, everything ended with a tragedy when the student identified as Lokeshwari jumped into the void.

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The fatal scene was captured in video by CCTV cameras and was later shared in YouTube where you can see the exact moment when the woman was sitting on a parapet when she was pushed by the instructor. The plan was to fall into the safety net that was being held by other students, but he eventually reached the eaves on the first floor.

The young woman was injured in the head and neck. first aid, but it was not enough. The New Indian Express reported that doctors could do nothing to save their lives.

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As expected, the Rural Police Coimbatore arrested the course instructor after the parents' complaint and the viralisation of the video on YouTube as evidence, also sued the university for not monitoring the execution of the exercise, for which she was held responsible for the death of the girl.

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