Youtuber died crushed by a truck while he was driving an electric skateboard | Chronic


Youtuber Emily Hartridge died last Friday in an accident between her electric skateboard and a truck in London's suburb of Battersea. He thus became the first victim to die with these new vehicles in the UK. In this country, it is forbidden to use skateboards on the sidewalks.

The influential 35-year-old was attending a meeting of women in mental health on Saturday afternoon. However, his 350,000 YouTube subscribers were informed of his death via social networks.

"It's terrible to have to say that on Instagram, but we know that many were waiting to see Emily today and that's the only way to contact everyone at once." Emily had an accident yesterday and died. " He posted his family on the Instagram account.

The English girl has posted videos for seven years. In general, he shared them in the form of a list titled "10 Reasons Why …", among the topics that he most addressed: love, gender, bad and relationships.

In addition, he has published images and texts on issues of his personal life, such as his baduality, freezing eggs and mental health.


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