Youtuber made a bad joke and caused the death of a policeman | Chronic


Ransom makes jokes and uploaded on social networks. (Facebook)

The alleged thief fatally wounded a New York officer and the other wounded on Tuesday night. It has been discovered that the suspect is a joker of social network.

He's calling Christopher Ransom and he is 27 years old. He is also known as "Chris the Risk", and he has Facebook and YouTube pages for the jokes he makes under the name "CHR Productions".

The man posted videos in which he is seen kneeling, while four officers have stuck with their weapons. In addition, he can also be seen in a police station dressed in a cloak asking to be a "guardian" to rent.

Ransom is accused of causing shooting in front of a phone shop in Queens. The incident began when he pulled the fake gun in front of two police officers in New York. From there, detective Brian Simonsen was wounded to death because he had been shot by his friend, who was also injured.

According to the police department, Ransom, a career criminal with a long history of complaints, allegedly badaulted the store.

Images captured from the security camera. (Fox5ny)

Among his digital publications, he includes a video two years ago, in which he goes dancing in a police patrol. In another clip, released in July 2016, he goes to the gym and plans to photograph two men running on the treadmill and one of the employees while listening to the song "Hands Up" Lloyd Banks.

According to what the defendant's friends told the New York Post, they think Tuesday's robbery was a joke that went bad because of Ransom's penchant for jokes that were severe and risky, including allowing a friend to give him. A discharge in your penis with an electric immobilizer.

"Chris has always played complex jokes and was a comedian. I think it's a joke that went wrong, "said his friend Shawn Ramoutar. This is a misunderstood young man with a big heart and a great sense of humor who wanted to be loved by everyone. ", he said.

What we know so far is that the detective Brian SimonsenA colleague, aged 42, was shot dead by a colleague while he was answering a call for robbery at a phone shop shortly after 6:00 pm. A sergeant who answered the call with Simonsen was also shot and wounded during the incident, but is expected to recover.

Brian Simonsen, the detective who was fatally injured

Brian Simonsen, the detective who finished dead. (NYPD)

Similarly, Christopher Ramson has also been shot and is in serious condition. Authorities continue to investigate the shootings.


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