Youtuber Rubén Carbonell died after attempting to record a parachute jump


Rubén Carbonell and a friend climbed into the tower of a private cement, about 50 meters off the ground he the young man was thrown into the void, but the parachute did not open and he died on the spot.

Youtuber Rubén Carbonell

Carbonell had a YouTube channel dedicated to extreme sports

Carbonell had a YouTube channel dedicated to extreme sports

As indicated by the newspaper The countrythe parachute was apparently misplaced and therefore partially open. Sources consulted by Europa Press explained that this type of activity is called "basic jump" and it consists of throwing with a parachute of highlights.

Carbonell had a nascent channel of Youtube He had very few subscribers. But he was very active in social networks. He specialized in extreme sports, since the videos I had downloaded on this platform showed jumps from a bridge and different practices as well as paragliding and parachute flights.

According to sources of the case consulted by the Spanish newspaper, the intention of the deceased and his companion was to record the jump, and then display the video on the platform.


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